Why I Hate MMR in Dead by Daylight

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Dead by Daylight’s MMR system isn’t good, so this is why i hate sbmm in dbd.

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37 thoughts on “Why I Hate MMR in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Went full scott jund (sorry no cat or auditorium mic) since ppl have been asking this question a lot and I needed to answer it how I felt honestly in a video (and yes that's chocolate on my nose 🙃)

  2. I hadn't even realized the MMR, atleast how it works behind the scenes, was so heavily survivor favored. I had been joking that it seemed like there was one, sometimes two, survivors every game that seemed considerably worse than the others. I guess it makes sense now… Also sucks that being a killer main, like I admittedly am, seems to be a punishment with high MMR since if you cycle out of your main set of killers your still going against high MMR survivors.

  3. For me i haven't like the new system because i feel like i Can't see my progress of how well i am doing. I feel like i have been stagnant and not progressing anywhere like yeah my grade goes up but it doesn't give me the same satisfaction as the old system where it made me feel like i was making progress at least. I also feel like with the new mmr i won't ever get matched with/against my favorite streamers since their mmr will always be much higher than mine, which was a big thing for me.

  4. About games being hard: I have 70 hours I have in DBD, mostly on survivor so when I hop onto killer with basic perks to play a game imagine going against a 4 stack of red rank 1 TTV's with literally all meta perks with thousands of hours in the game, needless to say I got absolutely rolled and bullied because they knew I wasn't good.

    It was a miserable experience and doesn't make we want to play killer especially if I have to sweat every game because I don't know if they are matching me with my own rank as it should (Silver 4) or literally 4 SWF red rank 1s. I feel forced to play survivor unless I want to get shit on by map offerings and keys every game

  5. I don't know maybe it's just me or maybe because I only have 200 hours in the game but I really liked the MMR as a killer main. Most of my matches have been more fair and balance. Some games I get one or two kills where others I get 3 or 4(I almost always give hatch or gate to the last person). Before MMR on a killer I just unlocked I would get 4 man escape with only like one or two hooks. Now no matter what killer I play I have fun and don't feel like I was completely demolished within few minutes into a match.

  6. I agree with you completely. Even though I’m new to DbD, I’ve noticed that after a single good game of Killer the difficulty spikes wildly, and after I do poorly, I get an easy 4K. I think the system could undergo a lot of changes and be improved.

  7. Facts im the loop guy i love it but because of it my mmr is ass. i always loop for gens and i most of the time i dont escape 
    i have nothing against people who sit on gens but that's not my playstyle it sucks i cant have fun or i get punished with low mmr and get ash rank megs who sits in a corner.

    Also if i want to have fun like a head on build all that happens is i get punished with low mmr.

  8. Hey Dowsey. I'm a survivor main. I was a Rank 1 killer before MMR started, but by no means do I consider myself a good killer. I was new to learning every killer when MMR was implemented. However, it's obvious to me that I placed in the highest MMR brackets because of my Rank 1 killer status before MMR. As a result I am constantly placed in matches with survivors that are way too sweaty for me to compete with. It's made killer feel impossibly difficult for me and there's no way for me to actually learn the killers without going against 4 gen-rushers who are almost never out of position. I'd love to learn killer, but at this point it's signing up to get bullied. I guess the only way for me to go to the MMR I should be at is to lose and get bullied over and over until my MMR drops on every killer…

    After watching TheKing's video interview with Mathieu Cote, I'm not sure how much the developers are trying to balance this game at the highest level.

  9. You’re implying that a survivor who pre drops pallets / uses them to their advantage is bad? The objective as a survivor is to survive. If I have to hit you with every single pallet on the map to keep you from killing me I will and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you can’t close the distance or use your perks or powers to stop me from getting to the next pallet that’s not my fault.

  10. I don't play anywhere near at Dowsey's level. I'm in red ranks (which I know means very little) and as survivor I find my games dull and kind of predictable. Either the Killer snowballs quickly and I end up in a fast low scoring game, or we manage to gen rush the killer and I end up in a fast low scoring game. People playing for kills or escapes ends up being boring games, that go too fast because both sides are trying to be efficient and maximize their chance to "win." And strangely "winning" doesn't actually mean you'll score many points OR pip up.

  11. It’s true that higher MMR gets repetitive and boring from the lack of interactions. It becomes a counter the gen rush run. I don’t mind not “winning” a game as long as there was high level play involved.

  12. What’s insane to me is how fucking long it took for them to deliver this simple system. Like, I was expecting MMR to calculate a lot more than just “hurr durr game last long? Lots kill? Escape?”. Like, I could’ve made that system in a day.

  13. As a casual player, as soon as the implemented MMR into the game, I've been consistently been matched with every type of player. I don't play the game that often, so I'm usually at the starting rank.
    Playing as a Survivor, I get matched with all ranks across the board (last game was 1 red, 1 gold, and 2 silver).
    Playing as a Killer, the last three – four matches, I've been matched with all red ranked survivors.
    At my skill level, I will never win as a killer with the game in the state it is now.

  14. Ever since the update my teammates have been really bad/inexperienced and have less than 100 hrs in the game mostly; I'm leaving with over 10,000 more bloodpoints consistently. Games have been less fun because my teammates just don't know how to play, and a lot of plays that I would be able to pull off during solo-q before with the help of my teammates just don't happen now.

  15. 7:20.m if we had an mmr based on looping for survivors, you’d eventually run into killers who just bypass looping aka nurse or spirits. That’s the problem with trying to make a proper matchmaking system for DBD. There’s just too many variables to account for

  16. I love debating about what takes skill in DBD and trying to tell people that MMR doesn't belong. Part I don't like is that blaming MMR and shaming players has become the new norm for shit players/sore losers. If the killer got a god looper and not a survivor that camps pallets, they would blame the perks, if not the perks, the map, if not the map then something else. A good player should acknowledge the mistakes they make and try to do better instead of assuming they are at the peak and that nothing else could have been done.

  17. This system literally came at the worst time, I started trying to main legion just because their power is fun, and I’m not that good at killer. So I keep getting pinballed between insanely easy games that end in 4ks, or games that have people playing like it’s an eSport

  18. I’m more upset about the how inaccurate the ranking system is and how the MMR has done nothing to make the games fair.

    My killer games are insane, I get super sweaty and toxic survivors that are way out of my skill range (I’m not a good killer and I don’t play the game the much). I literally only casually play killer.

    Yet when I play survivor (which I have more experience with), I get put with potato teammates who attempt immediately on their first hook, unhook other survivors in front of the killer with no BT, and are never doing gens. I have resorted to bringing keys or using perks to increase my chances of getting keys and escaping through hatch because if I play like a team player then I end up regretting it and dying because of my terrible teammates and face/proxy camping killers.

  19. Just came back from some games in witch i played as a lvl 5 pyramid head, i only got mached with red ranks, full meta perks fellas, had no chance and got destroyed. A very fun expereince getting T-Bagged and humiliated because i had no way to practice a killer outside of actual matches.

  20. The simplest remedy to this would be 2 things:
    Make killer mmr centred around hooks not kills, and survivor mmr on escapes + (average chase duration – pallets dropped). It’s still a lot more complex but it’s all that can be done


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