why i quit dead by daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

this is what made me quit dbd.
fr tho its just a meme, i just naturally lost interest and time to make content if ur actually curious why i quit πŸ™‚
TWITCH: Live @ https://www.twitch.tv/loogan
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CLIPS CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjDH4BDqQWO8hA-7Z3iJYEg

Outro song – JayKode – Careful (feat. Sam Bruno)
#dbd #deadbydaylight


37 thoughts on “why i quit dead by daylight”

  1. You've gotta play selfishly and enjoy yourself on your own terms. Enjoy the chases, but don't expect anything from teammates. You're stressing out too much and only focussing on the completion of gens. Chill. 😎

  2. I play mainly Killers now, and I play survivor only for quests/challenges in book tomes/dailys cuz *Escape with random survivors is impossible now, cuz they*: bodyblock, can't fix gen without failing easy skillchecks, failing every skillcheck, selling u at 1-2-3 hooks in row or just left u for last gen and trying save or not when its NOED, just making u easy target for Killer, instead of take 1 hook/hit when u know what perks they run? DECISIVE STRIKE and OFF THE RECORD Bruh, and they just get hooked as last person cuz all they did failing fixing gens, fixed gens or being bush whole game doing nothing only seeling ur hook states to killer and it's not all what worst thing they did, but my last experience with random survs became more disappointing, and when I play Killer hahahah its funny how every survivor tries to save first hooked dude from being tunneled, but when its me the survivor at 1-2 hook state, survivor who wasn't hooked even once just unhook in front of Killer or agaim dont take hook state till the end when he just dies at first hook last person cuz he just hided whole game and selled Teammates to Killer bruh, and its funny when survivor saving surv-hacker but then u realize its full party covering each other assess. Eh Dbd players is ruined cuz of Bhvr did, "buy another Feng Min skin and don't ask questions, about why game have more bugs and even old ones return+ new, just play with this new shit skins with all bugs"

  3. I came here with the "who the fuck are you, and why should anyone care?" and now I'm leaving with an apology and a bunch of laughs

    fuckin hilarious, glad I clicked


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