Why Legion is B Tier – Dead by Daylight Discussion

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Outro music: https://youtu.be/IPklgCBNlZw
Outro/intro made by: ViolentSh4de # 4946 (discord)
Thumbnail made by: Tatariu (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7U8EmWt_LYbSfpUjPQaWKA)
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19 thoughts on “Why Legion is B Tier – Dead by Daylight Discussion”

  1. I've wanted to make this video for a while now, aside from my guides I don't feel like I've discussed why specifically Legion is stronger than people credit them for. A lot of counterarguments people make tend to not make sense to me and I go over it here

  2. As an Legion lover, when I was new to DBD, the timing that you ended or started the Legion ability in the game and the thought you explained how to use killer instinct inspiring me a lot in your R20 to R1 video, that was the time I thought what I found the REAL Legion teacher, and then you made this video. Good job dude, much much love to your Legion play style, the king of Legion indeed.❤


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