Sexiest Killer Tier List (Dead by Daylight)

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Today, I’m ranking all Dead by Daylight killers from the least sexy to the sexiest one!!!
Some killers in DBD are very sexy and hot, while others look very bad. Let’s find out who they are!

Create your own sexy killer tier list:

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Ranking Survivors Based on How SEXY They Are (Dead by Daylight)
dbd tier list, dead by daylight survivor tier list

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16 thoughts on “Sexiest Killer Tier List (Dead by Daylight)”

  1. I would add Wesker to sexy tier and Freddy maybe beside clown cause he's the remake version and there he is confirmed pedofile ( which feels like it was added for shock and nothing more ) which makes you much less sexy in my eyes and all pedophiles should be fucked by 8ft tall Black guys in prison every day

  2. Aaaahh I was going to subscribe, but you put Wesker waaaaaayy too low😭 Sure he not as sexy here as he is in RE5, but come on, less sexy than Ghostface or that hideous chick from the Ring??? What the Fffffffff…??? Lol😂😂


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