Why Otzdarva is the GREATEST Dead by Daylight YouTuber in the DBD Community

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In this video, we’re going to talk about why Otzdarva is the GREATEST Dead by Daylight YouTuber – DBD. If you’re a fan of Dead …


19 thoughts on “Why Otzdarva is the GREATEST Dead by Daylight YouTuber in the DBD Community”

  1. Very unpopular opinion, kids will find it controversial. I used to think “damm, what a wholesome person this guy is”, but after couple of years when I became more mature I realised how fake and miserable he and that kind of people are. Before you judge me, think rationally not emotionally. Yes he is funny and he’s a hardworker…if someone even consider playing games as work. But in reality he’s just a typical spineless twitch streamer ready to be a puppet of 🏳️‍🌈 agenda, typical “America is the best country of the world” boy, physically weak with a 3,5 girlfriend who’s voice is much deeper than his, wants to seem nice to everyone, hiring easily triggered moderators who see hallucinations of racism/sexism/another -isms everywhere.

    I guess, in the end all of it doesn’t matter, as a content creator he’s really one of the best but if you’re underage, don’t idolise people like him.

  2. The king of dbd. Who carried the community over the years & help through everyone.

    Without this guy carrying dbd & making the game alive. This game would’ve not be popular 💯.

    I’m glad I watched his video to get good at the game & playing as survivors or killers.

  3. What saddens me is how a sweet soul like Otz keeps getting bombarded with vitriol in his chat, to the point where he would end streams early sometimes. It makes me wonder, what did he do to deserve it? I realize most of his chatters are very gentle and well-behaved, and his mods are proactive, but there are a loud minority who won't stop pestering him for seemingly no reason. On top of it all, he finds it hard to ignore each one of them, which is understandable; anyone could get a hundred compliments and still have their day ruined by one petty insult. I just wish that the more good-natured people in the DBD community were treated in kind.

  4. I kind of don’t like otz. He’s a survivor main that portrays as a killer main. He’ll play killer all day & complain about killer stuff. He’ll complain about insta down add ons & tunneling & camping. When he loses matches he’ll makes every excuse why he got outplayed when he literally could of camped someone, then get mad at chat for telling him he should’ve tunneled or camped lol. But he can’t tunnel & camp every game kuzz he built majority of his fan base shitting on that play style so he can’t switch things up without hearing about it from his chat. He will literally say a killer is bad or this perk combo is bad because he doesn’t want to face it, not because it’s actually a bad build. Imagine a killer like Myers being low tier because your favorite streamer said so and not because your own skill 😂


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