Why SBMM Doesn't Work at the Top | Dead by Daylight

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Just wanted to do a lil discussion video on why I feel SBMM is a bit of a flop for content creators.
#intothefog #DeadbyDaylight #Nursedbd

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11 thoughts on “Why SBMM Doesn't Work at the Top | Dead by Daylight”

  1. My MMR experience is when I play nurse, I'm getting super good swfs even though I'm not an efficient nurse, but for survivor, I get super bad teammates and often die because of that, which puts me with even worse teams

  2. I stopped playing months ago and watching this inevitable shit show from the outside sure doesn't make me want to rush back any time soon. As a former Nurse main I like watching the odd bit of Nurse content but I am seeing a lot of great players seem to be having a hard time lately and are resorting to sweaty tactics and perks just to get by.

  3. OMG LC I couldn't agree more! This SBMM has ruined DbD for so many content creators and the decisions behind MMR make NO sense. Pointing out that we also literally get nothing from being at high rankings is also a super valid point. We have an invisible score and have nothing to gain for playing in these super sweaty and boring games. I have actually began just losing as Killer on purpose by doing stupid memes like "No Hooks, Only Mad Grit Spam" games because the thought of high MMR literally makes me sick with anxiety.

  4. I went into this video expecting to disagree with you. I've enjoyed SBMM as a survivor main and, to be honest, I thought some of the complaints were over-the-top. You began this video explaining how SBMM works and how's affected gameplay–the whole time I thought "Yah, so the game is more competitive. What's the problem?" But then you explained that not all (or even most) DBD players, especially content creators, want DBD to be more competitive. That's really important and I had overlooked it. Thank you! 🙂

  5. Honestly I stopped playing DBD after SBMM started because every game has been miserable.

    I play casually and not all the time and because of that I'm now matched with babies who don't know how to play the game and sweaty low rank killers tunneling and camping. That's not fun at all

  6. Even though I’ve heard this debate multiple times over it was cool to see you being up a point that has rarely been made. For me I play survivor now since it still seems less competitive than playing killer, but that’s probably due to my survivor mmr being low.

  7. Wholeheartedly agree. I thought SBMM would be good, but will happily admit that I was Big Wrong™️ in many, many ways.

    It's not even currently actually measuring skill on survivor side, so it literally doesn't work for a lot of players. But like you've so eloquently explained, even when it does work properly it's a terrible idea for a game like dbd.

    What I love about this game is the fun and the meme builds, not the sweat. They didn't even give us an unranked option. Not that I think that would actually work, especially on Oceanic servers where population is already so low that I literally get 7.5 hrs survivor and a 70 hrs survivor on the same night. Old ranking didn't system was somehow much more consistent. Not sure there's much chance of them going back to the old system, though cause so far they're showing no signs of admitting they were wrong :/

  8. I have over 1.5k hours on Nurse and stopped playing cause I’ve been getting extremely good survivors. I thought it was just me lol.

    I went from winning 99.9% of my games to like 40%. And I’m NOT gonna use Ruin Undying lol


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