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0:00 Intro
01:13 How Xenomorph Works
02:31 My Problem with Xenomorph
05:21 Counter Argument
09:46 Conclusion
10:09 Outro
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build, new killer in dbd gets released all the time, wesker from resident evil is coming to dbd albert wesker that guy yeah along with new resident evil chapter in dbd good dbd youtubers to follow (besides me ofcourse) are otzdarva, ayrun, thejrm, naymeti they talk about survivor techs all the time every survivor tech in the game and maybe even shirtless survivors in dbd, i made a guide about every single survivor tech in dead by daylight recently you should check it out smile survivors techs are fun, i love the dumb tech, the cj tech, the ayrun tech and especially holing killers i love when killers get holed by jrm in his the dead by daylight experience videos but i hole em too so watch puffalope hes cool, the alien, new chapter alien, xenomorph, xenomorph op dbd, new chapter dbd xenomorph, alien in dbd, the alien in dead by daylight
so the guy saying MFT isnt OP now calling alien OP, alright buddy we get it, you're a survivor main
This killer has addon called Acid Blood when a survivor drops a pallet on you as Xeno and it count's as a hit, it damages them and the worst part people can use spirit fury and enduring with that addon it's insane.
bro was complaining about the tail when he was jucking the fuck out of the xeno queen
Xeno is not op at all, he only needs 1 change, either he gains no bloodlust while in crawler mode, or he can only use the tail attack
ok buddy, xenomorph is a very weak killer against a coordinated team. If you have one guy always replacing the turrets and one guy always looping the killer you’ll 90% of the time be alright. Just because you can’t loop him does not mean he is overpowered. In fact you can easily bait the tail attack by faking a pallet drop. As time passes people will learn how to counter it and maybe you’ll learn too.
The best part of Xenomorph so far is seeing the silhouette of a kitty cat crawling around the map and it’s hilarious.
Surprisingly I have only gone up against 2 xenomorphs and I actually enjoyed it because it was challenging for once.
The only thing they need to change is making turrets placement better and the tail attack is fine if anything it needs its range increased and a better hitbox that isnt janky.
And another main survivor that probably t-bag at the end, complaining about the killer.
The killer does feel too strong with that tail attack, especially considering I have 1000s of hours in this game and lose chases very quickly. But it's faced-paced and fun counter play, so I don't really mind losing because I'm having a lot of fun going against her. Love those flame throwers!
I mean the Alien is the perfect organism for a reason.
Can you believe that survivors have to try to survive in a survival horror game against a killer who does less than A tier killers while also having 4 forms of counterplay that they don't have to worry about and you've had literally two days to learn? Nerf Pig I guess
voice chat. exe destroys any killer or perks….
Yeah i have to disagree with what youre saying. Alien has counter play to his kit. And if you place flame turrets near loops you force him to make a choice which buys you time. You cant stop huntress from throwing her hatchet, or trickster from throwing his knives, or pyramid head from using his ranged attack. BUT, you can counter Xenomorphs ranged kit. He is by far the most balanced Ranged killer we have because we have counter play for once.
Eh I've seen people do well against xeno despite his power being better nemesis.
Love to see all the broken inside killer mains that are disliking the video just because they can't face the reality
bro clearly dont know how to crouch
stupid survivor main

must think premonition is balanced too 

Skilless? I've been grinding this killer for 3 days and his M2 is extremely frustrating to land. Huntress and Pyramid head have his same gimmick, except easier to land and can't be taken out of their power. His map traversal means fuck all if he's knocked out of his power over half the time coming out of a tunnel.
Fun = Broken ig.
Alien is not as OP as ur saying, hes very mid. The simple counter to Alien is to simply greed pallets and deploy turrets. That's literally it. The only problem is if your teamates are horrible solo queue players and dont know what the hell they are doing. Just get a 4 stack and boom, all your problems are solved. I put him up there with Demogorgon and like P-Head, hes extremely mid and you just need to adapt to his playstyle. Also btw, sometimes u need to admit that killers are better then your Gold 1 lookin ass dude.
Tail whip is BS hit me 10ft from the killer shack window
The power is “good” because the counterplay isn’t just “oh survivors avoid thing and keep making distance” like 90% of killers. There’s a side objective to rid the killer of their power that’s the counterplay….but no one places the turrets or spends time learning how to place them correctly. Give it time and learn the turrets and his power won’t seem so bad
Alien is not problematic at all. His tail attack is really not that good to begin with, and on top of that you have an abundant amount of flamethrowers on every map. With that said, I have actually put a decent amount of time on the xeno, and believe it or not, I have actually run into some really decent/good swfs that countered me very effectively. From using flamethrowers wisely to juking/crouching my tail attack behind obstacles and windows. There are games where I spent 65-70% of the time being a basic m1 xeno due to flamethrowers putting me out of my ability. So saying that the killer itself is a problem because of your shortcomings is ludicrous. If you dont want to spend the time learning how to counter or know the good spots on every map against this killer, that is clearly a skill issue on your end respectfully. Alien is a really fun killer so far and is not overpowered at all. He is a great addition to the game so far, ever since weskers release. So please let the killer be fun and learn how to counter him.
These tales are slightly off…survs definitely set the pace most of the time minus a few killers
If we need to use the flame turrets instead of looping, why are we slowed down when carrying them? Too much.
This is just being resistant to learning to deal with a new killer and wants them to be victim to loop perks from survivors
Xenomorph is fine it’s just the toxic perks the idiots playing it use as well as the constant slugging tunneling off hook and camping. Must be that shit to keep playing the same way
I feel like they just need to remove his ability to m1 while in crawler or if they keep it make the turret where u can place them in better spots and blind the killer for a split second or seperate the caves from where the gens are he’s not supposed to be Freddy!
I feel like playing this killer is karma for all the survivors still abusing MFT and Hope. Don't worry though, this killer will get nerfed into the ground and be on the same level as Trapper with no add-ons before MFT and Hope ever gets touched in the slightest.
I could not agree more with All your points. well said puffalope, I hope bhvr watches this
xeno is incredibly op its actually crazy how the devs put him in the game. the flamethrowers do jack shit, when he goes into crawler mode it's impossible to stop him from hitting you cuz if you drop a pallet or vault a window he uses his tail and if you dont he m1s you meanwhile hes a full 115% killer
theres also no reason to dodging his tail cuz the cool down is nonexistent. also the man can teleport aroun the map whenever he wants, how many powers are they gonna give this man
behavior interactive is a joke

L content creator.
Literally just deploy Turrets and treat him like Nemesis and Demogorgon. It's not an OP Killer and it's not even a hard killer to win against. Sounds like you just have a skill issue. Two days after release and maybe 10% of my 50 matches today are Xeno. He clearly doesn't know enough about the killer to play against it. Not most people think he's OP, bad players say hes OP.
Lol yea this is a survivor main
I have already played over 24 hour against Aliens and you really can't do to much against him. All the lops and strats just do not matter, he straight up kills you. I see nerfs coming to him for sure or atleast make turrets more effective.
average survivor main
The only issue I currently have with alien and its mostly just a bug, is periodically when you hit a survivor with the tail attack, there's a very common bug, where you will NOT be given the movement speed penalty and instead you will still be moving at 115%, meaning if you are very unlucky as a survivor and you get hit, bump into a wall, the xenomorph will be up your ass before you have time to even readjust.
There's a lot of bugs that I feel are a problem, one thing I dislike and this is coming from a killer player, is xenomorph is by far the best user of Dragons Grip and Make your choice, as in most maps a station will be right next to or around the wall of a hook, meaning the alien can just go in and out.
But with dragons grip, you can kick a gen, break any and all flame turrets, then hide in the tunnel and nine times out of 10 the survivors will come back and if you have the bandana that gives you 5% haste, they are dead, there's just nothing they can do at that point.
I do believe Alien needs tweaks to crawler mode, they need to reduce the rate at which its passively gained in the trial, reduce the rate at which its obtained in the tunnels.
And most importantly reduce the hindered penalty a smidge, I don't want BHVR to go absolutely overboard in terms of nerfs, but I think me and a lot of people would appreciate seeing small tweaks, one of which being the emergency helmet, please for the love of god reduce it to 20% resistance, because it becomes literally impossible for you to get knocked out of crawler mode unless there's more than one flame turret next to eachother.
Xeno is high a tier for me. Good gen defense, ends chases quick, and fun to play.
Alien is to o.p play the game an your see no one is getting out
boohoo survivor main crying boohoo
Yeah keep whining till you get him nerfed and then go complain why you only go against Wesker, nurse, blight, or huntress.
nerf MFT first then u can cry about nerfing alien, thats a fair trade
I just love how people are never grateful for what they have, maybe thats the dbd community psychology, always having something to complain about and never seeing the good side of things
See if turrets are the key to stopping this killer the turrets shouldn't be so easily destroyed
Such a survivor Main take jeez xD