Why The Mangled Nerf Sucks | Dead By Daylight Discussion

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40 thoughts on “Why The Mangled Nerf Sucks | Dead By Daylight Discussion”

  1. The only people that are happy about this change are those trash survivors who can’t function if they are not healed, you know who I’m talking about, those survivors who regardless of situation heal against Legion or cleanse against the plague, The kind that bring self-care because they have to be healed they “have to be healed” otherwise they can’t play the game, The ones that are so selfish that they would rather spend two minutes healing for themselves then doing a generator to help everyone. This change sucks and it was the worst thing to come out of the unknown chapter.

  2. The change to Mangled is tied with the old Billy rework for the most compelling piece of evidence that nobody in charge of balance at BHVR actually plays their damn game. If even one person at BHVR plays DBD, there's no reason they would ever list Doctor and Demogorgon in their roadmap of changes. If anyone at BHVR played DBD, then Adrenaline and Eruption would never have gone as long as they did without being changed. But no. Instead they balance according to a combination of looking at kill rates and (one can only assume) a random text generator

  3. Yeah, I really liked mangled as an effect as both survivor and killer because it at least gave us something different to do and often gave a hint as towards what perks the killer is using.

    I also agree about killers that have alternative pressures and methods for killing survivors. My only gripe is that people don't use them correctly, was against a Pig who was new to her kit so this was a learning curve for that player. But I was annoyed to no end that she didn't use her head traps correctly, in that she would trap someone then camp just outside of the unhook zone for them to be unhooked, then would tunnel out the unhooked survivor before any hens would axtivate the traps. Essentially wasting her headtraps, because when people would get the traps off, she'd then just retrap that person.
    Like I get that she was new, but it made me dislike them.

  4. I actually disagree, now you just kinda have to choose which type of slowdown you're going for and can't mix them. Like should I be the 4 Gen slowdown guy or do I make an entire build dedicated to making healing tedious? I guess you could still mix it by just putting 4 slowdowns on legion, but legion still needs additional help in chase because it isn't as good as it should be basekit.

    But you get the idea. Sloppy, Gift of Pain, Blood Echo and leverage almost make the mangled nerf irrelevant

  5. As a killer main I don’t really use sloppy and other mangled perks/addons very often. However having played survivor I know that mangled was a minor inconvenience at best, and a tool to enable hemorrhage at worst. It did not deserve the nerf

  6. I’ll confess that the mangled/hemorrhage nerf is a mercy in some regards. Had a game where I’d constantly have to keep rehealing a Nea and the only saving grace was that the slowed healing was temporary haha

  7. the only time when side objectives become unfun is if the killer brings 4 slowdowns while u also have to deal with these side objectives

    the only time i hate mangled when u run into the killers who run Coulrophobia, and other bullshittery

    also one reason why i hated sloppy was just the rate of progress u lose when u stop healing that needed to be slowed down like a ruin would effect a gen

  8. The sensical rationale for nerfing Mangled/Hemo was to reduce hit and run strategies that are torturous for many players, especially newbies and SoloQ. Except the change they offer does little to those strategies, and instead removes an easy and free alternate option to gen slowdown.

    Survivors already had a great deal of build and gameplay options when dealing with passive healing slowdown. This just reduces choice and skill expression on both sides.

    Big bummer. I don't see myself using healing slowdown anymore. Before at least I was guaranteed the 99% counter. Now I'd rather just run NOED or something.

  9. The reason for the change is probably, because they want to get rid of the hit-and-run playstyle. Sloppy Butcher is one of the most prominent perks for it.
    In my opinion it doesnt really change that much except hurt those players, which is fine.

    Also yeah Killers with side objectives are great, BUT the reason people including me often dont really like them is because they can abuse the negative effects that come with their side objectives:
    Pig can play for head pops, Pinhead can primarily go for the box, Onryo can do her whole condemned playstyle and Wesker can just tunnel an infected person.
    Those are not fun things to go against and make these killers, if played in that way, a SoloQ nightmare.

  10. Ngl I'm very glad sloppy was nerfed but they should of enrfed healing perks for survivors cause now survivors can heal in 2-4 seconds if they're in a COH boon being healed with botany and a medkit.

  11. I'm kinda in between if I'm honest…I'm a chronically "We'll Make It" player and without the perk healing was sometimes atrocious against Sloppy Butcher Killer, but now it's meaningless again (like the old Hemorrhage status

    but I think the overkill of the overkill is, that the timer doesn't pause on hook…like why?

    what I also don't like is the invalidation of good addons (especially the Hemorrhage only addons who got their own timer for some reason)

    I know you stated in your Trapper video that you think the statuses shouldn't be seperated, but at least on Nurse I disagree

  12. Can we talk about how with return of Stranger Things and Mangled nerf new killers was left with only NOED and MAYBE Bitter Murmur as good basic perks? While survivors still have things like Deja Vu, Kindred, Hope, Resilience and We'll Make It. And I'm not even talking abt default killers and survivors

  13. if Scourge Hooks could be more reliable I'd love to use Gift of Pain in every build, I feel this "nerf" kinda buffs it. they either don't heal or take a debuff. either way, I get a short chase because of a pseudo slowdown to healing or they do gens slower. but Scourge hooks can spawn 4 in a line by 2 gens or on the top floors

  14. I don’t mind having some side objective killers, but I honestly think making Unknown a side objective killer would make him too strong, he has range, anti loop, and some of the best mobility in the game, add in slowdown on top of that and he’d just be a menace, plus it’s like having too many anti loop killers u can have too many side objective killers, and I’ve never seen the side objectives as “fun”, they’re different and different is good, but u don’t really get any player expression out of “go to box and interact twice”

  15. It needed the nerf so badly, it reverted your healing way too fast. I'm so glad skill issue killers lost it tbh. But sadly i still see it way too much. Its not going anywhere, its still way too strong and needs to only last 30 secs across the board.😊😊😊😊😊

  16. honestly, despite people saying that the devs arnt surv or killer sided, i have noticed they seem to be just changing things cause survivors dont like it, anti camping, anti tunnel, anti 3 gen are all mechanics added jsut cause survivors dont like when killers do it. yet survivors get hatch, which is a free RNG escape. despite what people say, bhvr has been giving survivors constant buffs while the only thing killer has gotten in compensation is a mechanic to remove gen tapping

  17. To be fair, Hex Perks' biggest problem is that sometimes the game just fucks you over by putting them in a stupid spot. We shouldn't still have Hex Totems spawn in the middle of open fields, or somehow be visible during the Survivor's initial "loaded into the game" camera spin. And the main "counterplay" to this is to devote even more of your build to Hex perks????

    Imagine how much noise Survivors would make if they had a 1 in 10 chance of spawning in sight of the Killer, and there were told to always pack a couple chase perks in case that happens. There'd be fucking riots.

  18. I totally agree, the Mangled nerf Sucks, its unhealty for the game and for those who thought Sloppy has no counter, there is Botany Knowledge that counter this perk and other healing perk… And now Player only pain res,pop,grim and corrupt and its a hella anoying.

  19. The nerf was so bad, I removed all the mangled perks from my build pre-emptively because I knew they were going to become useless. And I still haven't played dbd since the change because my favorite killers are hit and run, who are the most affected by the mangled nerf.


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