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This video overviews new news within The Walking Dead franchise and what it means for licensing AMC’s vs. Skybound’s Walking Dead into Dead by Daylight.
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This license will be Alien all over again lol
Well there goes one of my most wanted survivor chapters, now let's hope it's The last of us next.
We don’t need the walking dead in dbd
Bro I want lee in dbd
6:01 I’m pretty sure that’s Michonne from the Telltale games DLC, not the AMC version. I could be wrong but the clothing looks similar
Id be a rick main so fast
I was always much more of a fan of telltale walking dead being in dbd over the AMC version, but I'm much more attached to those characters
Just to be clear, the characters in question aren’t ‘from’ AMC’s TWD, there are AMC versions of characters that originally are from the comic. The lone exception to this is Daryl.
I wouldn't mind the Telltale/comic characters in DBD, but not at the cost of the AMC series. The series has, by far, the biggest foothold of pop culture awareness, and any version other than that coming to DBD would feel like a sad alternative. AMC Walking Dead is in like 30 games, it really doesn't make sense that it hasn't hit DBD yet. If not a full chapter with Negan killer and map, even just a survivor with a bunch of Legendarys would be really neat.
6:15 this is actually comic book Michonne, fair mistake but just figured you should know!
I forgot that Rick and Michonne are also in COD
That’s cool, I would rather a Shaun of the Dead pack anyway. 😁
Imagine Kenny, Lee, Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon
I'd be cool with either,just give us The Walking Dead!
Always wished telltales walking dead came into DBD.. I love everything about that game
Good, we dont need this garbage franchise in DBD anyway
I'd trade all those other characters as long as we get Clem.
personally I'd LOVE Clementine
Pretty sure most people just want the Andrew Lincoln tv show version of Rick in DBD
Cod has Rick Grimes and Michonne why can't DbD lmao this makes no sense
As long as Negan is a skin for Trickster just as Hunk is a skin for Legion. Im happy.
Also as I get any version of Rick I don’t care
I want Negan (The villian character) as a killer
Honestly ill pass on the show versions.
Just give me Lee and Clementine
imagine making a video where you just read headlines to people, cook suckles. We can do the same thing.
I really want Clem and Lee but i don’t really care to much about the AMC characters it would be cool to have them but telltales is just better
The show hasnt had anything to do with the comic book for several seasons. Just like Daryl isnt a character in the comic amc made that character for norman reedus because he auditioned so well
More clickbait
That's good an all but the law suit hasnt done much since modern warfare has the walking dead in it and with it being a bigger franchise than dbd by a lot, i dont see how this is valid since it hasn't made an issue for them
Rick, darl, Machine and negein is all we need
It would be awesome to have both as separate chapters, they could do like RE, where they have a ""part 2"", but it could be called anything else.
I'd personally prefer to have Lee, since he gives me strong Bill vibes and his trailer/teaser should look the same and have the same impact.
But if we get TWD is very likely we'll only get AMC…
Edit: I recall there is/was a mobile game where both licenses are available, but that might have happened before the lawsuit.
I want Beth in the game they did her dirty in TWD!