Wild, Interesting FNAF, Chapter 34, and Art the Clown Rumors and Theories – Dead by Daylight

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This video overviews the facts and fiction for the rumors and theories surrounding the Chapter 34 new killer in Dead by Daylight as well as the Five Nights at Freddy’s new Survivor for DBD.

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38 thoughts on “Wild, Interesting FNAF, Chapter 34, and Art the Clown Rumors and Theories – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Put Bloodborne up there, Father Gascoigne killer and Adella being the survivor would go hard as fuck. they could also choose Maria as the killer, or a downscaled Vicar Amelia would be cool as well

  2. i saw tht berserk is in the servey if they were to do a anime chapter i believe berserk would be the best choice for it but the main question is who would they have as the killer and i think it would be better if they didnt have a survivor to go with the killer imo

  3. I know about the penny wise license thing…but I’m surprised jeepers creepers isn’t a killer…and if they did FNAF there are sooooooooo many skins they could use such as the other animatronics and the WILLYS WONDERLAND animatronics with Nicholas cage lol

  4. I'm just saying a Fallout or Doom chapter would really be interesting to see, not many people talk about the potential of those two games and it gives me some hope that Doom will eventually be listed in a possible future survey.

    Fallout and Doom are really well-known games that deserve to least be featured in Dead by Daylight.


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