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Will Grasshopper Die? – Dead By Daylight
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Good kept it up bro
everyone think grasshopper will die

That was beautiful I cried a little
Grasshopper tech i could easily beat this player even though he hides
Grasshopper never dies
That was actually sick ahaha
Missing the dh that’s not very elite gamer of you
Grass hoppa' never dies
This is way too damn funny
Grasshopper never dies
Wth is grasshopper
What’s wrong with me, why this emotional, I blame the music
wtfs that killer bro… fr..
In a matter of fact grasshopper nearly f up but he transfer it to ghostface
Legends Already Noticed The So Ready Dead Hard in The Perk Slot

Grasshopper never dies!
Ghostface’s petty arrogance ruined an easy kill. Go Grasshopper!
Ghostface will never play dbd again
As a killer main, grasshopper pisses me off so bad. I love it. I feel this pain so much myself, and it’s kinda funny.
Wow guys never without deadhard and a flashlight
I mean he clearly let you go. Lol
The way the ghostface was shocked when u started moon walking had me rolling
Whats the music bro
Grasshopper may not die, but today the king of futebol has passed away. RIP Pelé
You have to have balls to moonwalk right past him without dead harding
Grass hopper is a legend and you know what they say about legends. They never die
And girls said we only cried for the titanic
100% let you live
It’s grasshopper HE WILL NEVER DIE
The most beautiful moment in dbd history
He let you out :/
What car you driving?

So he let you out lmao
What an evil killer. Using peace teabag signs just to lunge at you like that