With these perks Mint Rag becomes disgustingly OP I Dead by Daylight

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-{Art by Adeloo}-

Developers will change some of Hags addons. Letโ€™s show how much harm you can do with Mint Rag.


27 thoughts on “With these perks Mint Rag becomes disgustingly OP I Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don't think there's anything wrong with Iri Addons being busted, they're Iri for a reason.
    Gotta love Survivors that just tell you to get good when they bring Leader with Brand New Parts, or to deal with it when they have a Skeleton Key (at least until the patch comes out), but the second a Killer uses busted addons and beneficial perks they get upset.

  2. This is what people mean when they talk about entitled and toxic survivors: teabag at every pallet, bm spam notifications, but then shit talk in the end game about how toxic the playstyle is, lmao. They can force a DS by spamming loud noises when youre not attempting to tunnel them, but then call you "tunneling trash" because they used up their perk at poor attempts at bullying and died for it, act like assholes all game, BM "because its just a game", etc but the killer will always be "the bad guy" for playing how they want to.

    I wonder if someone tried to do such things to them IRL if they would still be trying to call them "trash, and not a nice killer" as though a killer is supposed to BE nice. I'm glad I found some of the good parts of this community, because there are some really awful people playing this game tbh

  3. Hi Michi Iโ€™m a new found hag player I was wondering if you had a favorite all a round kinda build so far Iโ€™ve kept corrupt intervention and franklins demise on since I unlocked them and I threw on STBFL and sloppy butcher because theyโ€™re all I have


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