WORST PIG ADDON? Dead by Daylight

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6 thoughts on “WORST PIG ADDON? Dead by Daylight”

  1. 7:36 During this chase the killer had to go through 3 god pallets and a pallet so safe it's basically a god pallet back to back. Why does BHVR think this is good game design? Where is the gameplay in just kicking a pallet to create a massive deadzone?

  2. I do not play DBD but I am curious what the potential of that add-on is for tunnelling purposes. Seems to me it would be best used to save your head traps for one person and tunnel them every time they remove the head trap. You can then replace the head trap and then hook them again. Its a pretty boring playstyle and doubt its very good either since you can just heal before you remove the head trap and get a lot of body blocks going… but that is really the biggest viability I see it potentially having especially in a solo que lobby and in low ranks?

  3. Why would someone value the information of where a survivor is going after the trap break over the information of where survivors with traps are going to gravitate towards? Unless you’re looking to see which gens they want to fix once they get the trap off, and you’d rather cut them off then. I guess it frees you to focus on camping the gens, very silly purpose for a purple add-on. Am i missing something?


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