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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Nice gameplay
So you decided to switch your stream schedule to evening, is that tru3? If so east coast people can watch it alot easier since it won't start at 830 amc
This build will be nerfed soon its too bad they always nerf killers builds when they get 4ks. I am ready for a different game that doesnt just cater to survivors
American horror stroy dlc!
Bad = chill.
Imagine needing to play at a different time frame to find worse players to have fun.
Morning game: 5 gens done in 6ish minutes
Evening game: 3K (4K if the hatch wasn't spawned next to Feng) in 6ish minutes
Wraith god tier now? Maybe not, but i like it.
Solid proof that the MMR system works and is broken at the same time.
ClEaRlY WrAiTh Is A ViAbLe KiLlEr! WiN aT 6:30?!
The difference between morning and evening are just insane. I was curious and I play at 9pm yesterday, i got 3 games with 4k and 2 games with 3k + hatch as Ghostface( the worst killer imo). I don't even want to play this morning to see the difference lmao. Mmr is broken at night ?
I always thought evening were just more chilled since its when the bulk of casual players hop on, I play killer more so in the evening just for que time reasons but I'm gonna have to try daytime killer now and see how big of a difference it is
These are the survivors that call killers OP
Edited thumbnails on the vid now too nice. Some of the best dbd content on the tuby
For some reason I thought they changed haddonfield to evening instead of night 😅
bruh i played at 11 am once and it was rpd i was wraith with a good wall build .. managed to kill one with 4 gens left. ended with them doing 4 gems in a little under 3 minutes and getting a 3 man escape .. and i have 3k hours and know killer well. fuck the developers hope they die
I played one game as Blight during the day (not my normal time) and I ended up getting steamrolled. 1-2 hooks per gen, and all survivors had a good idea how to play against blight. End game finished with 3 man bodyblock to exit gate and I died inside.
I came back later as blight and 4ked on haddonfield with shadowborn bbq no addons.
I don’t think I did a formal experiment, but it’s part of the reason why I think late night dbd is way easier than midday dbd
I live for your sub 8 minute/ rage quit videos.
Two DC against wraith?! No wonder people don't like to play against wraith
Yes because at the pallet against a wraith is a smart idea, I’ll never understand this.