xQc Road to Rank 1 Killer (Dead by Daylight Part 3)

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xqc plays dead by daylight (with chat)
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35 thoughts on “xQc Road to Rank 1 Killer (Dead by Daylight Part 3)”

  1. Well you're first gonna have to grind for 2 years straight to get all the teachables unlocked cause you're using noob builds rank 1 yellow perks not even purple ones so that's holding u back too but its okay cause ur learning still

  2. You need to unlock bbq and chilli or nurses calling cause u use huntress anyway and nurses calling shows aura when they're healing eachother.. With sloppy butcher and colourophobia makes the healing slower and huntress is the slowest moving killer in the game atm. So put those perks together to make their healing speed so fkn long they'll freak out and wanna heal from sloppy butcher then u can see them with nurses calling and colourophobia makes the healing even slower so you'll have them injured most the game and for the 4th perk if you use deathbound and they do happen to heal and u don't see it with nurses felix u still know where they are on the map.

  3. Whispers is a really good perk for her too the huntress all u gotta do is walk around the map looking at it and if it lights up u know they are like in a 90 degree angle infront of you in whatever meters it is… It will help

  4. Road to Rank 1 is tough. I was Rank 10 Legion, and got paired with Rank 3 survivors that gen-rushed, t-baged, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Dead Hard, etc. You have to enjoy the yellow ranks because some are easy, but when you hit those green or purple ranks as Killer, you get some toxic survivor mains.

  5. I had dbd on mobile and whenever I played killer i got really good players and then when played player i got really ass teammates one time remember all my teammates got killed and i did 3 at least machines and escaped myself through hatch

  6. Been on the game from the first day it dropped got a lot to learn he plays like a kid that finally got to play his older brother game haha he needs a lot to learn before going up against us player’s that been on this game for years that have thousands of hours but you stepped into a game that is not balanced and never was so good luck


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