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27 thoughts on “SWEATY HIGH MMR WRAITH GAME! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. A "sweaty" game when one person just attempts on first hook to 2nd stage and then just grief and touching a gen in your face. It was a good game but not a sweaty one when it was a 3v1 or 2v1 would i call it

  2. Hate when survivors give up. The game could have gone either way, but the dwight had to ruin it by killing himself on hook and shortly after getting gen grabbed. Made it less interesting to watch imo.

  3. Forced penance is interesting. The only way it would be useful is if they insist on body blocking or they do an unsafe unhook and u want to punish the borrowed time block.

  4. If you think this is a sweaty game, then you’re probably used to vs bots. This was obviously a 2v1, 3 gens were done only by Meg and Nancy, while Nea and Dwight were allergic to gens, Dwight wasn’t even trying to run away, he was just giving free hits and then sacrificed himself, he even had Prove Thyself and didn’t touch a gen lmao. Nea was just being useless during the whole game and running around the map with a flashlight she never even tried to use. If instead of Nea and Dwight there were 2 other decent players that actually do gens it was going to be max 1 kill.

  5. Wraith should be able to swing while invisible ..slowly come out of invisibility ,while Devilishly Laughing after a Comfirmed Hit!! ..then the ability to swing while invisible has a 35 second Cool Down …No other mechanics will change..this will just be Implimented…#BUFF


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