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#xQcGaming #xQc #Gaming
wow he really knows how to unleash his inner killer in dead by daylight
As a survivor main, this displeases me.
I Love Your Videos It's So Funny And Never Failed To Make My Day Better!😍
A legenda di Youngstars.Quest snowquen hè u mo idolu. Hè a persona chì aspiru à essed, hè a mo luce di ghjornu
xQc ruined the economy yes or no?
bunch of bots comment weird shit
Fun fact: the game is actually very killer sided. It just requires you to play the game in a very sweaty, scummy unenjoyable way.
Why’s the chat so slow it makes me feel weird
Did you know that there is a whale watching island in Greenland it’s pretty cool. For a vacay I’ll look up the name
One of the worst and most overrated game ever
I climbed to rank 1 on both killer and survivor within 1 week of ever touching this game about a year ago, back when it was enjoyable. After all the Cancel Culture bullshit and catering to wannabe-bullied losers who claim racism over disliking a jacket a character could get or some dumb shit made me quit the game.
Anyways, xQc, to get better at this game, quick tip, you can't juke survivors on loops when you walk face first at every corner. They can see your red light. You have to juke the light by walking backwards into loops and jitter moving one way and juking to the other. Top tier survivors still have the advantage but this will help you against most players.
I love knowing I'm better at over half these games than my Juicer LMFAOOOOOO
I watch xQc because his ego and narcissism does not correlate in any way to his ability in any of these games. He is S O B A D and he purposely ignores anyone or anything related to the games to make himself feel better and man it brings warmth to my heart. My juicer is a dumb fuck and that's why I watch xQcL
Whispers off, maybe they are here
Hey felix, put some injector for p3 50 all perks legacy 2000+ items all steam conquest and shit
Yeah the game sucks, but noob and playing with the most penalty mistake killer in the game, doesn't help either
First game looked way too easy 😂
it hurts how he didnt go for ebony momento mori
26:55 27:17 37:25 Wokege
40:33 I didnt know dbd had bots
"I bought the dip, but the shit keeps dippin" good one dono
ya not telling the thruth, am a survivor and i still enjoy playing the game. and i enjoy it 🙂
just wait 1 minut after ya down them when they got of the hook.. just outwait the DS lol
why does he play the same boring ass killer everytime he plays this game lmao he’s not even good with her
Chatting "camping WeirdChamp"