Your ONLY advantage against SWF = Altruism | Dead by Daylight

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Some difficult matches where our only saving grace was the fact that Survivors sometimes indulge in a bit too much altruism near the endgame. I hope you find them entertaining.

00:00 Intro
00:50 Huntress – Wretched Shop
10:48 Hillbilly – Coal Tower
22:10 Nemesis – Saloon

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25 thoughts on “Your ONLY advantage against SWF = Altruism | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I still hate these kind of games. I just want a chill 6/7 hooks game rather than resorting to godly fending of 3 healthy survs from that one hook when I know they have everything meta. It does feel rewarding when you down 4 all of them and they can't pick themselves up though.

  2. Yes, of course, when we were talking about balance that 3rd game would go into “sure 3k” instead of “survivors were toying with me and ok with not escaping 10 minutes ago”, would it not?

  3. It’s really weird when people ask “how do you stay so calm” they should be asking themselves why they don’t… such a strange community, everyone’s always on edge for no reason lol.

  4. Well…
    if the killer plays really shitty we don't feel like they deserve a kill if they only hooked like 2 people all game.
    That being said we are not a bully squad, and if we feel really sorry for the killer we give em the kills. Also worth noting that we are not really good, me and my friends. We dick around a lot and generally play chill, it's casual after all, so if a killer does really poorly they are normally really not good and resort to camping with noed with like 3 hooks all game.
    So yea we are altruistic.
    But honestly, if we all end up dead because of that we mostly laugh about it, cause it modtly means that we fucked up xD

    Shoutout to that one killer that 4 man slugged us, was funny xD (like really we were laughing so much)

  5. Always go for the altruistic plays, survivor is just so boring if you don't try to bully the killer and get crazy. Flashlight is objectively the worst item but you won't ever find me without it haha. When I play killer I feel relief when I see flashlights, but medkits… those scare me…

  6. The best strat to counter SWF (since it's completely broken and unbalanced) is to try to predict that you are facing SWF in lobby and dodge. No point to waste your time and nerves on some 4 mentally challenged toxic "people".

  7. I mean, I think many people are just so unhappy with the game because they don't realize fun is the objective. If I'm at the exit gate, and I have another teammate on hook, unless it's Bubba, I go for the save anyways. Yeah, I could take the easy escape, and yeah, I likely will end up dying too, but it adds to the excitement and I don't really lose anything.

  8. I've had a game similar to the first one today, also on Huntress. When I hooked the first survivor 3rd gen has popped already. Then a miracle happened. I got Steve down as he was running in circles trying to get my attention, knowing the game is going bad for me. I got him down and heard someone following me when i hooked him, and Meg tried to unhook him right before my eyes a second later. She got the unhook but took his place. After some chase, I got the first guy again and both Steve and Meg tried to bodyblock and sabotage the hook, giving me 3 hits and not stopping the hook anyway. One more hatchet on running Meg turned it from 1 hook at 2 gens left to 3 people in stage 2 on hook at 2 gens left. Ended up getting 4k in a game that should be a 4 man escape.

  9. reminded me when i played trapper, i never play thim, i rarely really play – i got one down in shack, so put her on hook, and went to check gens, i barely left shack and already see someone sprinting to shack, so i trade one person for other, reset trap, went to check on gener… two people sprinting to shack – they didnt let me leave the shack at all, and when i killed all of them they cried about me camping… maybe let the freaking killer leave that place before sprinting to unhook…


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