You're Legally NOT Allowed to Laugh | Dead by Daylight

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There’s only low hanging fruits in SR!
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0:00 HOW is one bad so BLIND
6:47 You’re Legally NOT Allowed to Laugh
10:14 Lets make a trade for your life


36 thoughts on “You're Legally NOT Allowed to Laugh | Dead by Daylight”

  1. In fairness, Glen the goodest boy that ever boiied is playing with a dark screen, while you bussys are playing with super lit screens. And on lower settings. Glen is fighting an up hill battle. Also lets hurt Stan.

  2. where is the vod for this? i need more SR DBD moments, but i cant find the vod on kaifu or twitch. was this a recorded session or something?
    and ive seen the shorts you posted so i know theres more content that isn in this video. where is it?

  3. As someone who plays top-level DBD, this video makes me very happy just to see people playing casual and having fun, no sweaty nurses/blights and no T-bagging flashy spamming


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