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10 Types Of Survivor Mains In Dead by Daylight
Edited and thumbnail created by: @MadeByMew
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build
bro the current gen rushing thats going on is soo annoying like all the survivors is doing is hiding the gen rushing and gt mad when i tunnel or slug
How did you leave out the sabo’er?
Thats my specialty and one of the best players on my team.
There’s another type of Survivor… The Pallet Goblin. Pallet Goblins use Any Means 99% of the time and rarely switch it out & generally have Perks revolving around pallets e.g Smash Hit, Chem Trap, Windows, Troubleshooter, etc. and they will HOPE AND PRAY that the Killer doesn’t kick pallets just so they can pick every pallet back up so everyone can reuse them. Some Pallet Goblins can’t contain themselves when they see a downed pallet across the map to the point they leave their 90% gen to go to the dropped pallets just to pick them up, other times they will do it afterwards. While they don’t mind using windows, they do quite hate not looping at or near a pallet.
Hello, I am Pallet Goblin (Lite)
Accurate, always get trolls when i play killer tho
That specific Steve skin is the memer whenever I've seen someone with that skin all I see is someone who is there for the most fun possible
so mikaela got a section of her own
legends say, there's also a "superhero" type of survivors. they're rarely seen, but god knows how these demons, without a single hesitation, go down into endgame basement camped by bubba to rescue their teammate(s), and SOMEHOW, with use of flashbang, locker jukes, head ons, unbreakables, and maybe black magic, somehow they do rescue their teammates as well as their own ass
I'm a looper/Flashlight User ^^ I love being chased by killers and will always wear bright ass charms and outfits like Sable and Yui:) I also try to finish a spell so players cant say i dont do generators or unless I have teammates who can loop killers like me I'll do generators. I do hate the nurse I can't loop expert nurses. My main build is Strength In Shadows, Residual Manifest, D Strike and dead hard. I will say even if a killer has lightborn I'm pretty still decent at running killers.
Fun fact you miss all the skill checks on a gen you never touch.
I would not have dropped that pallet if i knew j was going to get hit
You forgot the: "Survivor that gives up on hook first 10 seconds in the game" or the "DC's against 90% of killers" teammate
Stealth survivors are the worst! Having them on your team or going against them as killer is very annoying
I can see myself as the meta user, the player that tries their best to play the game as efficiently as possible without being afraid of the killer or generators. I can be altruistic when I have to but also try to make the right plays. Even if it means leaving a surv on hook to prevent the killer from more kills. I also play my best, even when games aren't looking great. I love using strong surv perks. Btw hi nay this is shadow!!
Dude started with biggest spice
Im definitely a gen-efficient, medic memer. Hands down. But I'm working on learning looping.
Signed, A. Killermain
Lot of ppl actually hates "stealthy" players, cause they are not helpful or effective not enough
But my god these players didn't see SWFs of 4 stealth players. You don't need to be effective, if no one gets chases or hooks, while you all slowly doing some progress on gens, crashing all totems or messing with some killer's powers
Also this makes killers mad
I'm not medic, but i'm team coordinated player
I run perks like Babyseater, Breakout, Borrowed time, EmphCon …
Love auras: Aftercare, Bond, Alert, Still Sight, Wiretap
And also love strong perks for semi-stealthy play: IronWill, Ballanced Landing, Self-Aware
So the gen rusher is jill mains for blast mine value?
For most of the video i was thinking huh im kinda a mixture of most of these though, then i realized im a memer lol
You forgot one new survivor main on this video it’s called the lore accurate build survivor we or me make lore build for every survivor that we main to realize what they do in the trials I got some on dwight, ash, Nicolas Cage, Alan wake, David tapp and David King etc.
I am the scared player. Using Inner strength has warped my brain to cleanse totems, hide like a coward, but still be the only one to escape. And yes i last about 5 seconds in a chase, either dying first or last.
Awesome video im def a gens before friends player
God bless you, Flashlight Players! And all overly altruistic but not quite skilled enough survivors! I cannot tell you how many downs I've gotten from your joyous overenthusiasm to stay near the chase and achieve nothing! You are truly a killer's best friend!
Loved this list. I’m a gen rushing medic lol
You forgot about the survivor that wants to be healed under the hook even when the killer is tunneling
And one more, chest hunters with luck builds.
11th type: The Balanced Landing Mains
These survivors have dedicated their entire life to Balanced Landing. They will do anything to prove that it is the best perk and have memorized every Balanced Landing spot on every map. They complain about maps like Lery's having very few Balanced Landing spots whereas on Swamp they are smiling and laughing the whole game. Every chase with the killer isn't an opportunity to waste their time and let people do gens/heal, it's an opportunity to play balanced.
TLDR naymeti
I'm not a Pro at playing killer, but a good amount of the matches I lost it's because there's a damn scumbag Gen Rusher in the trial.
They don't loop well most of the time, avoid altruism and you'll lose the match if you're unlucky enough to not find them (which you can only know who he/she was at the result screen) because you ran out of time instead of the other survs being good and/or based on your performance in said match.
I mean, gen rush does not need any skill. Any noob or imbecile can escape a good amount of matches by rushing gens.
I am a hybrid type: Medic, Flashlighter,Looper and genrusher