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8 thoughts on “EFFICIENT GENS VS GOOD LOOPING! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. True, been a fan of your content for years I understand you don’t like to talk about the politics of DBD. I like to get your opinion on a build and it’s potential. A 4 man swf with purple or green toolboxes (wire spool and socket swivels) for perks all members have; Built to last, Streetwise, a perk of their choice, and if it wasn’t currently disabled the healing totem (essentially we’ll make it and self care) covering 80 meters if all totems are blessed. Assuming my math is correct each survivor would have enough toolbox charges to do 1 an 1/2 of a generator totaling 6 generators in half the time solo. Do you think that the top tier killers including nurse with the best respective players playing them could they manage a 4 K or anything close to resembling a win in this scenario. I understand if you don’t want to respond to this comment I’m expecting the torches and pitchforks to come out.

  2. Most crypto are basically scams.. And for the most part the rest are not really that worth it. With the exception of a POSSIBILITY of two. Despite only one has only been considered, but yet to actually become legal currency.. While there are people still willing to fork over the cash for cryto its such a monumental risk its not even funny.

  3. I watched this live on your twitch Idk why that person in your chat was shilling so hard for Pi. You login each day at their app to get the digital currency and you level up by inviting other people to the platform. That just sounds like a pyramid scheme. Also, how can each Pi be valued at $10 if there's no way to actually offload through trading atm. The only value being put into Pi is the time and data that users generate with the app, and the only people that are benefitting right now are the founders through ad revenue and data collection. Also gg on a bad huntress map.


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