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Edited by NOOT NOOT
== F.A.Q ==
My Character’s Fan Art
My Streaming Gear
Who is the blue hair girl?
My Intro Song – Aests – FIGHT!
My Outro Song – Watchy
Early gang?
Love the content and keep up the good work!!!
yknow i was one of those people that wanted dc penalties gone but now that people are just dcing left and right i realize its needed. its just annoying to get a 5 minute ban because i dont wanna farm or the game crashes.
I’m a simple man I see ghost face I click instantly
Same happened to me last night but instead with legion
jaee = cutie
Hellooo jaeee🖤
Man people are just abusing DC now that the penalty is gone it's so crazy that there was people actually wanting the penalty gone, like I get a 5 min ban is annoying for those who experience game crashes and what not but this just proves why we need it
had this EXACT same thing happen to me last night on ghost face lmfao. People hate that killer so much with an OP build
Jaee teaching us how to eat ass one DC at a time! peepoPoo
Haven’t seen a pyramid head all event, jay posts video, 3 in a row lol
The DC penalty needs to be more harsh when it comes back. 30 mins
i love that when the fourth dc happened you just stop talking and "m… *pop*"
thumbnail is crearly clickbait theres only 2 dc's
Jaee your always bragging about salty survivors lol it’s a game that’s all I see on your channel
i hate to say it but only red rank players dc chronically and use iron will and ds all the time
I heard that anime girl talking and it ain’t it 😂
He tries to speak a whole sentence and he just gets cut off by every DC 😂😂😂
I must admit, I have been indulging alittle in dcing agasint spirit at the start of the match when I hear the phase lol when I go on and just wanna chill, and I hear that sound I'm like NOPE! but i agree with the ones that want it back, it needs to come back. Having this much power, it's dangerous for me 🤣
I only DC when the game is being held hostage I shouldn't be penilized for using my only option to keep playing
Until the game is fixed on console I’ve been DCing like crazy. It’s terrible atm
When they DC the disappointment hits hard when playing as killer or survivor
Jay i don't like the ads in the middle of the vid I can't hear your beautiful voice😔
I think the DC penalty needs to be increased to like 30 minutes. When I DC from a game, it means im tilted and need a break from playing for a bit.
Ngl I get that all survivors run dead hard iron will and ds but I have barely gone against any killer not using either bbq ruin or pop soo not trying to cause a debate but say there is equal amount of usage from killer and survivors that I have seen
This is why I say the game is survivor-sided. Survivors have stupid strong perks, no sounds, and the devs on their side.
yes ghostface again 🙂 im a ghostface main or im trying to be lol. is ruin good on ghostface?
Hunt: ShowDown Is Fun!!
13:10 you just had to say something, huh? Lol
I wish they give Iron Will cool down like sprint burst where once they are injured it activates once they leave the killer Terra radius it goes on cooldown and once their in the killer radius again the cool down become faster but not immediately or having no sound 24/7 especially how bad the sound is in this game sometimes I think that would be nice and balanced but idk 🤷🏽♂️
where is ghostface?
Omg 😂 love it. hope to catch your streams again 😁
Dang so that's what happens when jaee tries a Lil bit they have no chance against jaee's skills
bro i played against a legion that only downed people, we literally all bled out from the amount of times we were on the ground without being hooked, i forget disconnecting is even an option
4 man dc with my Ghostface
plays phead
Your an amazing Ghostface, do you have any builds you would suggest. I made a three man dc by the way
Will we ever see original content on YouTube? It’s just edited twitch streams
"yeay, 4 cakes ! Even if I make a shitty game, I still have a decent amount of points"…
YO Hunt audio is god tier
I’m so sick of running ruin, bbq, and save the best for last, pop. I like surge way more than I should but I swap it out for ruin when the survivors look like they’re going to give me a hard time. I want to play with other shit but I struggle with ruin up all game.
7:10 yeah, I'm pretty new at killer so I'm at the lower ranks (yellow and below) and I've faced absolutely nobody with DS or DH so far. I have seen some survivors with all purple perks, but DS I haven't seen yet.
4 man DC more like 4 bitches. I've been playing dbd for over 3 years and I've only dcd maybe 3 times and that's playing and one of them was against a tunneling doctor who went for me and only me the entire game just because I outplayed him a little. Just take the L and realise you got outplayed when you lose, learn from it and you'll get better. There should be penalties for consecutive Dcs maybe one DC should be a rank point taken and ten minute ban, three dcs in a week should be an entire rank so -5 ranks points and a day ban even more dcs gets more serious. It will counter the mentality of leaving out of spite or so someone can get hatch or at least lessen the DCs
Hey Jaee, entertainin vids as always 😀 Just hope you're still enjoying DbD and will take a break if you need to! Just you sound a bit how Scorpionz sounds right now about the game. Just going through the motions and perhaps a bit jaded (compared to a few months ago anyway).
BUT you seem to know your stuff and how to hold your own.
I'm lucky I play this game casually or at least, don't have time to play competitively because I know I'd reach the peak of madness!
I agree with what you said in another video, this game really can be a case of "may the best man/woman/whatever." win. Not in those words but a battle of who can outplay who. Stimulating and fun, but too much can be exhausting. That being said, doesn't cease to amaze me that this game doesn't seem to lose it's sense of fun after a break or 2.
Anyways, take it easy! As always, keep up the über cool content!!
you are more focused with fart sounds and saying pipi kaka then having accurate titles.
so im sitting here watching this video and then 69 says "UwU im feeling a bit thirsty and now everyone is staring at me send help and by everyone i mean my grandpa, grandma, aunt, mom, dad
I hate the yakamoko estate because with my potato computer the bamboo is just a green blob and you can't see anything through it