4 Man Swf With a Rep 70! – Dead by Daylight

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Nemesis vs a 4 man SWF with a rep 70!

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44 thoughts on “4 Man Swf With a Rep 70! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Let's do the math on that 70 prestige, cuz I don't believe it.

    1.5 million bloodpoints per prestige. One match currently can yield you maximum of basic 30'000 points on average (that's still very high on average).

    Reason is: There is a bug currently with Off the Record, giving you max points in Survival category, so 10'000 are for sure currently. +100% extra Co-op on Objective for Prove Thyself yielding 10'000 on Objective nearly always. Makes 20'000 for sure, so 5'000 in the other two categories are realistic, but still high. But let's give them benefit of the doubt.

    Then there's multipliers. 4 flans on average makes times 424%.
    30'000 * 4.24 = 127'200 per game

    If you start off with prestige 9 and let's say another 1.5mil to go to prestige 10 right away, you'll probably also some shards in the shrine for let's say 30 * 100'000 extra bloodpoints. That would give you additional 2 until prestige 12. So prestige 70 minus starting prestige 12, therefore 58 prestige times 1.5mil divided by 127'200 = 638 games minimum. Sure, there was 1.5x BP once, and you can get additional bloodpoints through codes and maybe it's sometimes less than 1.5mil, but it would be that crazy. Let's say it took him 580 games total.

    But now there is only 25 days since July 19 at the time of the game, when you were able to gain these bloodpoints.


    [EDIT: It's true, I forgot archives. Also it could be, that they play killer from time to time, but I don't think, you can make more points without 4 flans playing killer. Regarding the archives, it should shave off 24'000 times (13 + 12) = 600'000 so not even half of a prestige at the time of Tome 2 (which has 8x15k, 10x25k, 6x35k and 1x20k challenges for survivor)]

    Mathematically I would say it's not possible or he found some weird exploit (apart from the Off the Record one). A game lasts at least 15min on average, let's say 25min with all the waiting in between. That's nearly 10 hours of DbD EVERY DAY!!

  2. Prestige 70 lmao bro got no life and no bitches, investing all your time on a b side game with spagethi coding full of cheaters and not use that time to play other stuff or do other activities is a waste of life

  3. First chase was exactly 1 minute plus another 15-20 seconds to put her on the hook. 2 gens done, a 3rd almost done but it got interrupted. The communication swf has makes them so strong. It's a shame how weak solo is in comparison, both need to be brought to the same level so killers don't demolish solos but can have a fair chance against swf.

  4. Had a prestige 100 once as a teamate they were god awful dont trust Prestiges dude got downed in 10 seconds against a huntress While I could run her around for two gens

  5. Swf will never be balanced ever. Communication is king and idk how u would even go about that. Would have to ban 3rd party coms on this game to truly balance. Then do the walkie talkie thing like Jason Voorhees game did

  6. So a 4 man swf against one of the best killer players and managed to get a draw imagine if it was a better swf with solid teamwork.
    If doesnt speak about the power role i don't know what does

  7. 1:00 but look at that, mad, mad cause he have to break a wall!!!! Bhvr why do you have windows in this game, shame on you. Something else!!! I dont like off the record, because I cant tunneling survivors, and I have to chase them down for 3 more seconds.

  8. The game isn’t meant to be balanced. Considering it’s a “ asymmetrical horror game.” Secondly doesn’t matter if you have played once or over 8k hours you’re not going to win them all, or even draw. Rng of maps, mistakes made by both sides. Most killers use “their” logic they should win every game. An any time they lose it must be a “swf”, or a “ asymmetrical” game must not be balanced.

  9. 🤓 this video is proof 4 people communicating and using 4 brains against 1 is unbalanced.

    like wtf is that goofball talking about, you understand 4v1 games right, you know what you're playing? and you know the goofy people that made it?

    this dudes lucky he got the first kill that definitely did not connect, I'd continue rewatching just that part if it was worth the time, and the second guy was the garbage friend of the group and in a complete deadzone so obviously went down with nothing to save himself and nothing to complain about there.

    that first one though, that's gotta be different planet connection bcs it just didn't hit, more inflation for this dudes ego.

  10. Of course that Claudette is level 70, i wonder what is behind that Claudette screen probably a jobless person that doesn't shower and doesn't touch grass because god damn level 70 Jesus. For being that high of your rank i feel more sorry than impressed

  11. Had a swf bring me to Dusty Dawg full head on squad. They bullied me in the saloon for a couple minutes and then I made them pay dearly with the face camp lol. Their level of tilt was off the charts.

  12. If you pulled out ur tentacle out earlier at 1:00 then you couldve gotten the down and made the chase way shorter. Even at tier 1 it wouldve hit if pulled a lil more early. The time is really the key factor but also yes the swf and comms were kinda strong


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