50 Win Streak on Artist | Dead by Daylight

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This video explains how we achieved 50 wins in a row with Artist and the many things I learned along the way. For the purpose of this challenge, we consider a win getting three or four kills.

00:00 Intro
03:18 Artist Basics
04:48 Basics: Melee Birds
06:08 Basics: Anti-Loop Birds
07:28 Basics: Long-Distance Birds
08:40 Basics: 1, 2 or 3 Birds?
10:48 Basics: Extra Bird Tips
11:53 Basics: Fire or Decay?
13:31 General Strategy
14:02 Streak Build
17:02 Expected Counterplay
19:08 Match Overview

20:00 “Emotional Damage” (Eyrie)
30:17 “Chapel Heroes” (Chapel)
45:22 “5 gens with 4 hooks” (Sanctum)
57:51 “Final 50th Game” (Ormond)

More Artist games: https://youtu.be/adMjtIEhUFE

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Thumbnail 3D render: https://www.twitch.tv/Ev3ntic


44 thoughts on “50 Win Streak on Artist | Dead by Daylight”

  1. "50 Wins" Playlist:https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKpR1qurDCxYx_PPtRYy0gjsTNlMhcnW5

    About upcoming streaks: The increased presence of cheaters (who can even stream snipe with 3rd party software) and increasingly harder games as your MMR increases has made the streaks really stressful and unfun at times, especially for Killers like Sadako who cannot keep up with constant map offerings & strong items. I will still attempt some streaks to get better at some Killers but I'll be looking at starting other challenges as well.

  2. I hate how everyone’s so quick to say it’s auto dead hard when someone makes a good dh prediction. I just had the best dead hard of my life today, and it absolutely looked like an auto dh, but it was just me learning the killer’s playstyle and waiting the amount of time I thought I’d need to. This isn’t to say it couldn’t be auto dh, but to me that just looked like a normal dh

  3. I have literally had two scourge hooks top floor in main building before. Maps with multiple floors are terrible for scourge hooks, on Midwich I've had all my hooks up stairs and because you don't actually see the auras of them until you pick up I didn't realise until there was only two gens I could defend upstairs.

  4. Great tricks and advise on her! One additional trick of the artist is that the decay time of placed bird will be synced to the newest bird. Which means you could make the first bird last 30+s. It is incredibly strong for sling shot hook camping or locking down a complex loop but it's very situational.

  5. Really love the fact that you put so much effort into this as to explain the killer at the beginning, remember otz, we all love how much effort you put into these videos, but don't overwork yourself!

    Also: 28 hour video explaining the entirety of dbd lore when? (joke ofc)

  6. Does anyone else think the Artists power mechanic should be easier to release, i.e it should be a trigger action like the huntress' hatchets or tricksters knives. Her crows are too easy to dodge. The time it takes to set up and then release to "maybe" hit a swarm takes up precious time. It is like a huntress throwing hatchets to the wind and hoping for a hit. It's no wonder we never see the Artist when her power is a total faff.


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