50 Win Streak on Ghostface | Dead by Daylight

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This video explains the general strategy I followed to get 50 wins in a row with Ghostface. For the purpose of this challenge, we consider a win getting four kills (or three kills if they escape after hatch). This one migth just have been the hardest one so far.

0:00:00 Intro
0:02:52 Build & Strategy Breakdown
0:17:06 Game #23
0:31:19 Game #25
0:40:03 Game #30
0:46:00 Game #36
0:52:59 Game #41
1:04:10 Game #48
1:11:32 Game #49
1:15:32 Game #50

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


46 thoughts on “50 Win Streak on Ghostface | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Honestly there's nothing a fucking killer main could say to make me believe this game is survivor sided
    Horribly unbalanced in favor of the killer. Try winning 50 survivor games in a row

  2. I dont understand how breaking a ghost face out of his stalk works sometimes my character is looking right at him as well as the camera but he doesn't break out of it.

  3. I have had that lay below hooked survivor when downed in my games aswell. Camping that hook will probably be the best play since other survivors also cant pick the downed person up and will instead get the unhook prompt.

  4. Nice video as always you should try deathslinger next i wanna see you become a sweat deathslinger and inspire more people to play him i dont see him often enough

  5. I think having Dark Devotion or Infectious Fright instead of Nurse's would be great. Also the maps in the game all pretty much cut the line of sight short which added to Spine Chill, the bad lean system, and the ridiculously long cooldown and ease of getting uncloaked and sending the ability back to the cooldown are just dumb. Now I realise why some d heads camp with him but even then you might as well play someone else instead of being a douche bag. But BHVR really needs to buff him hard. His add-ons don't make him stronger per say, they just compensate for his weaknesses and since there are so many this character becomes very weak. It's dumb how they make Myers right but fuck Ghostface up really bad. I guess I can't expect much from the people that thought OoO and DS on the same character was a good idea.

  6. Just curious and no offense to your mods but why did the person at around 50:50 get banned for saying "OTZ THIS ONE DOESN'T COUNT IF U CAMP HER" It just seems like a silly thing to get timed out for since they were obviously joking. Again no offense just curious!


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