Let's all die in the basement [Dead By Daylight #30]

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Sometimes you just want to go out on your own terms…!

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29 thoughts on “Let's all die in the basement [Dead By Daylight #30]”

  1. That second match is how solo queue goes for me every time. I get killed on first hook half the time because everyone is sitting on gens/someone is afk or just hiding in a locker the whole game. Or someone is right next to me, and leaves me to die on first hook by running across the map when they aren't even being chased. It's annoying. lol. I would have just left as well, tbh.

  2. anjdkdk John's FACE and darty eyes when he was talking about his obviously-very-broad shoulders, thank you for the zoom in on that, editor. A very funny way to kick off a very funny match, I can't believe John caught the rare chill Twins player out in the wild. Everyone deciding to just hang out and die in the basement was great, I've never seen four Endgame Collapse deaths pop off like that, it was kinda super brutal to hear all the bone snapping. And the killer in the endgame chat "I love you all, even Meg" lmaoooo

  3. The second match was VERY good also, obviously in a very different way and was a great way to balance out the fun memey farm game with some strategic, competitive gameplay (Nea aside…). She seemed like a solid Huntress lining up some good shots, which made it even more fun to watch how John was countering her on that really good chase. And I loved that blow-by-blow breakdown! I'm excited Survivor Ed is still in the cards! πŸ˜€

  4. I've had a few rounds like your second lately. Between camping bubba's and people not working on gens, some matches are just painful

  5. Ooh I wanna watch β€œSurvivor’s Ed” πŸ™‹πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ (even though I don’t play and probably never will πŸ˜‚) and I wanna see the office πŸ‘πŸΌ

  6. As a survivor that is generally ok with every concept EXCEPT looping, yes, please breakdown more chases. This was super informative and I might have to rewatch it just to try and pickup some of your knowledge. Thanks for all you do John πŸ’—

  7. I love the breakdown of the chase! It's one of the reasons I like watching SpookyLoops too. He narrates what he's doing and thinking in a chase and it's really easy to understand. I feel like when players can breakdown what they're doing and why it helps me look out for stuff I wouldn't think of and get better in general. Great Vid!!!! <3

  8. Got into this game because of you and it was your breakdown during a stream once against nurse that completely changed the way I play against her and now I can actually hold my own! I'm super excited for the Survivor's Ed series πŸ™‚

  9. Really enjoyed the dbd chase break down and I'm really looking forward to survivor's ed! I like playing DBD but I'm kind of bad at it/having a hard time with the learning curve.


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