Huge Billy Buff, Infinite Power Blight, Sadako Changes, Mount Ormand Changes | Dead By Daylight

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Huge Billy Buff, Infinite Power Blight, Sadako Changes, Mount Ormand Changes | Dead By Daylight
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🕰️ *Video Timestamps:*
0:00 – Introduction

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21 thoughts on “Huge Billy Buff, Infinite Power Blight, Sadako Changes, Mount Ormand Changes | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Tbh at that point they are just making killer to easy. I'm a billy main since the beginning and I needed a lot of practice to be good with him. I didn't complain when they nerfed him cause after that he seemed pretty balanced to me. Before that I got a lot of 4Ks… But I don't understand why they had to buff him? Was still playing pretty solid matches as him. I don't want this game to get too easy but I think it's slowly but surely getting in that direction. Less skill, more generic gameplay, less fun imo.
    They are doing nothing for the old players who used to practice a lot of techniques as killers and survivors to get their skill… Just to get new players to the game and it works? Idk… I'll prob head out soon (pls don't tell me they don't care, that's fine. I just wanted to share my pov and see if anyone who played years since it came out will agree with me)

  2. Got ro watch most of this on stream today, they sure buffed up these killers. It will be fun to play against them and see what you can get away with(seems Luke they could have put back made for this to make up for this haha. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted and I have moved on to other builds 😎👌 thanks for the info and fun king 👏

  3. Many applauses to Zubat for making a video on anything worth seeing during the first hour of the PBT.

    Crazy how Blight had a skill gap with the insta recovery build, but instead gets an infinite rush mode that has a cooldown so bad, it kills the character against competent teams, but will make the looper YTber angry that he can’t loop the killer forever thanks to a win button every 40ish seconds.

  4. I cant wait til most of you who praised the Billy buffs lose your mind once you start to see Billy's every third match lmao. Blight is so OP now it isn't funny, good job BHVR, unlimited rushes what could not be OP about that. All of the Alan Wake perks are useless. The Boon perk is a crap version of Deja vu, Deadline is completely useless unless you dedicate an entire build to get value out of it, heck I get a form of Deadline when I vs Doctor skill checks lol, and Champion of Light is meh until killers start running more and more Lightborn and render it yet again useless.


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