Hackers have Taken over Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Speedhacking, instahealing, flying, ddos server crashing, holding the game hostage; they do it all. https://www.twitch.tv/CoconutRTS


38 thoughts on “Hackers have Taken over Dead by Daylight”

  1. I actually think the most pathetic hackers are those that try to be really subtle because they don't want to lose their accounts or get banned, but also really care about winning hence why they're hacking in the first place. They're too bad at the game to win, and too lazy to obtain skill, so they cower with their cheats to steal victories. The hackers I respect are ones that don't give a fuck if they get banned, the ones that are just messing around super hard. The ones going into a csgo lobby with full spin-bot and the ones in DBD sprinting around the map at mach 3. I think that shit's hilarious.

  2. I play on ps4 and turned off crossplay months ago because of things like this. It's stressful enough without worrying about hackers. You know what's really scary though? The ones who are very subtle about it so you don't notice, so when they inevitably escape and make you look stupid during chases, you feel like you're a bad player… BHVR needs to stop this shit NOW. Getting old and I'm finding myself playing other games more often these days..

  3. I've seen cheaters instantly heal other survivors to make the other survivors look like they're cheating. I think the Dwight was probably the real cheater, the Feng seemed like she was trying to tell you that by pointing at the Dwight.

    What's so stupid about that situation is that it's literally impossible to know for sure with instant heal cheats, are they cheating or being framed? You can't really know for sure.

  4. I wonder if hackers are become more prevalent because of sbmm and the people getting a ton of them are of higher skill/higher mmr. My experience I've seen no more then usual, maybe even less but I suck at the game.

  5. I wonder if climbing into a locker and letting the killer grab you would counteract the insta-healing? They can just block hooks in some cases but it would be interesting to try and stop a cheater from healing.


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