A Very POSITIVE Update for Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

A quick video discussing the new changes coming with the 7.5.0 ptb, Chapter 30.5 and the Alan Wake release!

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
Mysterious Strange Things – Yung Logos
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake


36 thoughts on “A Very POSITIVE Update for Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm chuffed we got Alan despite not yet delving into that Universe. DBD really is now the Smash Bros of the horror gaming community. It's also lovely to have more characters from other games in general.

  2. I don’t know how to feel about this update. Sure some cool perk and killer changes but the 3 gen update feels a little too strong. Jolt is useless now. It longer kicks people off gens you will use up the 8 regressions will quickly.

  3. What is sad is they had increased Fov when ultrawide 21:9 support was in the game, but they took it away because I don't think the devs understand what fov actually does. Playing on 21:9 UW actually doesn't give you any benefit because it's almost the same FOV just doesn't look as fisheyed on that kind of monitor, feels more immersive.

    I think the devs still don't understand what Fov can do because they won't give Survivors access to it since they think it will help them too much.. /facepalm.

  4. Not even joking, I essentially stopped playing DBD as my main game whenever they nerfed billy in the beginning. As time went on and each update continued to worsen my attitude towards the game I stopped playing completely. Now that we’ve got billy back I picked up the game again like it’s fresh this is a damn good update.

  5. by ur tone and how u sound in the video I can tell u actually do find the ptb really fun, i thought i was gunna enter it and start crying but instead gave blight really fun addons, also same with billy rework

  6. Everything here looks good except limiting gen kicks and the STBFL 'nerf'. Limiting gen kicking just isnt fair, what could have easily been done is just add another generator at the end and with STBFL. Now im just never going to hit the obsession under any circumstances, it doesnt change the issue with the perk. Only makes it worse, and the 1% nerf doesnt matter

  7. They have destroyed save the best for last
    now with plot twist surv can easely remove tokens in like 40/50seconds.
    Plus, the alan wake beam perk is too op and the other 2 perk are so bad.
    The only goods things are the rework of billy, blight's addons and artist perk


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