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In this video I provide you with some Clown gameplay against a Head-on Bully squad. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
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I've been lacking bro hope everything's going good with the content. Fire as always!!!!
best part in destroying bully squards is that you know they are fuming over losing.
I love it when survs get what they deserve hehehe
Teams like this make my blood boil. Little cretins
Hey Negoose i was wondering if you'll be playing more of Sadako i am a big fan of Sadako and was wondering if u could play her more especially the reworked Sadako maybe condemn only ofc no pressure love the plague and hag vids and this vid too
I love how when they lose they dont type GG but if they won they would've
I think that Head On delay has been in the game for a long while
Imagine how dominant you would be with mouse and keyboard
How is this a bully squad? They’re not even taunting they’re just playing normally
Me and my friend usually do something like schrödinger situation. We use head on with deception. 😂
I know I’ll get flamed for this. Last night I went against a head on bully squad. It was clear their intentions were to annoy me. So I slugged em😌 every single last one of ‘em no hooks 🪝. Until they bled out 😂. No fun for me no fun for them🤷♂️
But remember, you cant camp and tunnel because thats toxic
Simple fact that SWFs are still doing the " bully head-on stun" thing, is cringe in itself!
I’ve never understood player like that ash. Why play in the first place? I think there should be stricter penalties. I’ve seen it a lot lately, and I’m sick of it. Survivors will load all the way into lobbies. Then give up on the first down. Apparently I should get a life according to some people just because I want to win a match though. Which I really don’t get it but OK. Coming from the people playing video games, to give up. Telling me that I need to get a life. OK buddy. Haven’t play dead by daylight for a while since that. Really since I don’t have anybody to play. I recommend a disconnect meter. Next to the survivors name. And once it gets full their timed out for three days. This can also cover going AFK. Or letting yourself die in the first down. If the survivors report you for it. And it reviewed.
I had my first head-on bully squad the other day and it was so frustrating yet so hilarious by the end of it. I was trying out trickster’s newest changes and two of them switched to flashlights last second and sent me to dead dawg saloon. They kept looping me around the top part of the saloon, waited until I ran by one of the lockers and would just jump out and flashlight blind me. It was really frustrating because there were two other people doing all of the gens while I was chasing them, but it was also hilarious because their plan soon immediately fell apart because all I had to do was one simple bait and it would make them prematurely jump out the locker and then get downed immediately. Might’ve gotten a 3 or 4K that game, very annoying but very satisfying by the end of it 😂😂
Can't wait for the Clown tweaks he hasn't been touched in years and I don't mean just physically 😂
the delayed head-ons is actually apart of one of its buffs because survivors at one point were complaining about how hard it is to hit the killers with it… IMO that was another dumb buff the devs implemented to make a perk easier to use… like giving a surprise perk a lasting effect just seems dumb to me 😅
Can't bully killer = them not having fun
I have never been so happy to see someone tunneled out of the game. Such an annoying playstyle they wanted to pull off.
Bros a tunnler lol
Im so anti-bully squad its crazy. Many swfs have tried to bully me and ive 4k every single one. I turn into Otz as soon as i get teabagged lmao
Bruh they were not carrying lucky star or iron will how the flip were they so quite when injured?
It's not "gg", it's "git gut, ez"