Abusing Weskers Insane Terror Radius | Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

8 more days till release, cant wait 🙏

I stream 5 times a week at https://www.twitch.tv/hens333

Community Discord: https://discord.gg/MfnbrEVkPQ

0:00 Build Intro
1:40 Gameplay


50 thoughts on “Abusing Weskers Insane Terror Radius | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I cant wait either this killer does not only seem pretty good and fun to play/verse, he also has a power that can be mastered which is a big plus for me! I will definetly put in the time to perfect him.

  2. I actually find it hilarious, and might put the fear of god into the survivors. This dude is meant to be a menace/god like even if his power is bugged the streams i see of survivors shitting themselves with the terror radius makes it so fun. I kinda like that about Dredge too with how he has the sneaking potential, I HOPE they release more mind fuckery kinda killers like this, freshen up the game a little more.

  3. You CAN hit during animations, it usually transitions into a slap, but with all the bugs it's very hard to get. I got a few hits at windows and pallets, but was incredibly inconsistent.

  4. 6:00 I could swear that it looks like you're readjusting your momentum at some point between the initial dash and slamming Jill against the rock. I wonder if I'm just imagining it or if there's some way that you can flick turn to dash into a survivor and then turn to throw them towards an edge of map wall, because that would be really powerful if it's real.

  5. Imagine this on Dead Dawg…

    Also, could you imagine how cracked an add-on that allowed him to turn mid-bound would be?

    I hope they give Doctor a similarly sized TR. Feels like he should have it already.

  6. Why people are saying that Superior Anatomy on Wesker isn't that good ? If survivor fast vaults in 8 meters of you ( very specific ) you get 40% vault speed on pallets and windows and it deactivates for 30 seconds when vaulting the window but not pallet. I'm just asking cause it sounds OP on him but people are saying diffrent but idk i didn't played PTB, i'm console player and i only have laptop that runs like shit

  7. Kind of pointless to slow down healing on a killer that effectively insta-downs you. I think coulrophobia should be swapped for unnerving presence and maybe combined with overcharge or oppression/huntress lullaby?

  8. I run a really similar build but replace Sloppy Butcher with Septic Touch which makes survivors healing in your terror radius Exhausted and Blind both during and for 10 seconds after healing. It fits the “huge radius” theme a bit better and also, is Wesker’s case, Sloppy Butcher doesn’t trigger on his Bounds which are obviously the attack you should be trying to use when possible over his basic attack.


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