Act Toxic Get Toxic! Ft. Full Condemned Rage Quit! Dead by Daylight

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Act toxic get toxic, ft sadako and a rage quit lol

Iโ€™m live right now! get on over here โ€“


#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #sadako #rage #ragequit #toxic #salty


37 thoughts on “Act Toxic Get Toxic! Ft. Full Condemned Rage Quit! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I understand the whole โ€žact toxic, get toxicโ€œ thingโ€ฆ
    Itโ€™s just not you
    Few years ago I wouldnโ€™t have believed to see you now hitting other survivors and all that doesnโ€™t give any kind of advantage to you
    I really hope that this game is not corrupting your values

  2. had some verified streamer try and pull a reverse survivor rulebook on me cause i wouldnt let him…yes let him get full condemn on me so he could mori. said me and random was prolonging the game while at the same time he was picking up and dropping to try and get us fully condemned. he even said ''why not just give the killer what they want'' ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

  3. BHVR please restore DH, DS, Iron Will to its old state. I get tunneled 24/7 now and I'm not skilled enough to deal with it, so can I please have my busted, broken, crutch, overpowered perks back to carry me please?

  4. Why he stopped playing as Survivor ? I missed something about it ? cause i always saw their gameplays here and now there`s more killer gameplays than survivor

  5. i came back to dbd latly and started to watch more content again. there is one thing, i really dont understand. there are a lot of killer mains that are really popular and they are surtantly pretty good, but trues games seam a lot harder than theres. gens go so much quicker, even if chases are super short, than on other streamer games.
    do they meme around, or lose on purpose, too lower there mmr. do they may get a lower mmr raiting, because they are fog wisperers and can creat better content that way?
    i really dont get it.

  6. Tru, yOu dOn'T hAvE tO tuNnEl!! YoU cAn eAsilY wIn iF yoU'rE gOOd aT tHE GaME!!!!
    Meanwhile the survivors: did 3 gens with only two hooks when the killer did their best. Classic

  7. Honestly I think the devs should just remove the leave game button. If they close and reopen, they rejoin if the game still on. When he left, his character just afk

    Edit: grammar stuff


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