Adept Myers Is Harder Than I Thought | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Another attempt at getting the adept myers achievement, which turns out is much harder than I originally anticipated it to be. We fill our build out with vanity mirror and dead rabbit to maximize emblem efficiency and hope for the best.

Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here​​​/

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49 thoughts on “Adept Myers Is Harder Than I Thought | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. One of the shittiest things BHVR did early on was make it so that Killers had to get Merciless. It used to be you just had to 4k. Plague/Myers was nearly impossible because they are characters who rely on downing in one hit. Trickster used to be nearly impossible because Knife downs didn't count. It is pointlessly complex, and to be honest, not even under your control. Gatekeeper is entirely a question of how bad survivors play.

  2. so tofu hear me out, i have this idea fopr a dredge build, i just came from spookyloopz's dredge video where he uses the purple addon which activates 'nightfall' at hte start of the game…. now if you combine this with lethal pursuer….. you get to jump into a locker during nightime with lethalpursuer telling you exactly where the survivors are and jump out right on top of them to get an easy down in the first 10 seconds of the game. spookyz build worked best on indoor maps tho so i'd recommend trying something on lerry's or the game

  3. I don't play DBD anymore and when I watch DBD content I like the surv view more (cause it's 'scarier' I guess?) but Tofu is just such a cool dude. I just like listening to him chatting his way through the vid

  4. It took me ages to get Adept Michael, the way the emblems work is so stupid because the chaser emblem would never be iridescent simply because the chases wouldn’t last long because of his power ending chases quickly, it was as if I needed to not use my tier three as often so that I could kill them slower… Plus his perks revolve around keeping the obsession alive so you need to lose chases on purpose for PWYF stacks or simply don’t get value from the perk intentionally.

    Stupid how difficult the killer adept is compared to the survivor one

  5. It's not double pip, it's 'Merciless Killer' which basically means 9 hooks and do not let the last gen pop before 10 mins (or dont let it pop at all). I found adept hardest on hag, cause with devour/ruin I was just demolishing teams of quitters and people not unhooking.

  6. I Really think now that they have the actual game just kills matter, they need to make that for the Adept. Get a 4K. Period. Because the fact that you can get a 4k and still not get the adept is so dumb.

  7. Adept achievements on killer is so hard most times because not only are you battling the survivors but also the emblem system while Adept survivors don’t have to do anything but escape.

    Due to an issue with Xbox or DBD, it took me three Merciless Victories for the achievement to pop on The Dredge.

  8. Anyone else notice that the Meg from the first game was the Leon from the Dredge video the other day ? The one that doxxed the Claudette which was hilarious 😂😂😂

    Also what up from Australia 🇦🇺

  9. The Adept achievement show difference between killer and survivors really well.
    Survivor: Just slap 3 perks on, get carried by the team with meta perks – if not you can still do nothing and simply get hatch. Boom Adept achievement. Just escape, no matter how usefull you are.
    Killer: 4k with 3 shit perks against most likely 16 metas, do it too efficiently, get hold back by emblems and not get achievement.

    Killer sided game, obviously

  10. adept at high ranks is a lot harder because it's harder to get the emblems. rank reset is coming up soon, so i would recommend doing some of these harder killers then. also, merciless killer = adept

  11. Hardest for me oddly enough is Plague. Even though her perks are great and she’s a strong killer, the chaser was almost always not quite good enough and I would always get one or two points behind pips


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