Ah Yes, Totally Worthy of Being Ultra Rare | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Trying out one of Sadako’s ultra rare addons called Remote Control. We throw this addon in a pretty standard killer build and just see what kind of value we can get out of it, if any at all.

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42 thoughts on “Ah Yes, Totally Worthy of Being Ultra Rare | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. From my experience, Remote control isn't very strong, but you paired it with the wrong secong add-on. Because asurvivors can deposit tapes in the first minute when you cant teleport, you werent going to get value. Pair Remote Control with Ring Drawing. Once everyone has 1 stack of condemned, hit and run like crazy, and if someone grabs a tape, do a TV sweep to hopefully reveal. You're need to get a LOT of condemned to make survivors pick up Tapes, and Ring Drawing does this.

  2. killer instinct of nearby survivors gaining condemned from projection base kit would be an amazing change.. cuz the problem is you get people condemned but you have no idea where because they hide when they hear the tv similar to demos portals, porting almost never catches people off guard unless they're super greedy

    or at least an add on sorta similar to all seeing but on survivors to determine they're condemned progress after porting

    This is a weird killer for sure spaming telaport to come up empty handed alot of the time makes this killers power feel really silly. She'd still be average even if she had built in tracking it would just be quality of life

  3. Tofu, when a killer with an oppressive chase power gets released: Thats boring, survivors can't do anything in chases unless I fuck it up.

    Tofu, when a standrad killer gets released: Thats boring, this killer has nothing for chases.

  4. Tofu, most of the time you thought someone had a tape, they only had condemned stacks. If someone is holding a tape, they have the horizontal TV static effect on their portraits.

    6:30 no one had tapes. Just condemned stacks.
    8:10 Only Jake had a tape.
    22:35 the Meg again only had condemned stacks.

    I love you and your content but please make sure you know what you’re talking about before making a video on a perk/add on/build/etc. This sort of thing happens quite often in your videos.

  5. Unrelated topic but your always looking for video ideas please do third seal legion sometime it seems like the best killer to get value since third seal and undying got changed

  6. 5:44 I actually tested this a week or so ago in a custom match (two accounts on the same PC) and the intermittent invisibility effect on the killer side was actually the exact opposite of what the survivor was seeing. I'm not sure if you can really rely on it being reversed, though, or if it can just be completely desynced with what the survivor sees.

  7. Gets largest map for gen spread, moderately good survivors, and doesn't know how to use the killers power…. I get it some games are hella frustrating but she isn't a terrible killer just not an easy one like nurse blight or spirit. Keep going I'm sure you will find fun builds with her. 🙂

  8. Personally, I feel as if starting off with tapes in your hand, and passing on condemned when healing should be base kit, BUT full condemned would only expose you. However a condemned survivor on last hook could be mori'd(that doesn't seem important but it gets around late game ds). It would make tapes much more urgent and actually give condemned a better usage. Idk maybe that's too op or not fun just a thought

  9. I can see you are more visibly frustrated with this killer than any other from ur videos. And also don't even use her power during chances you use her like wrath.

  10. I play at a much lower MMR, but the way I found to use the 'Start with a Tape' add on is to pair it with the one that spreads when they heal, then immediately start bouncing to TVs constantly when you are able to deactivate as many as you can and to wound rather than down people. This spreads condemned to about everyone real fast. Last two games I tried this, I was able to use her insta-kill power on both of them. And, as we all know, two games = 'Science Confirmed Forever'.

  11. TVs do not "Spawn" they exist the entire match, they just turn on after 30 seconds. Survivors have to insert their tape into a specific TV, even if it's already turned off. So they can just run to their TV immediately, and are even more incentivized to do that if you run Crutch Intervention.

  12. From playing against sadako, her teleporting isn't a threat plus it let's a sound out which will let you know to look out for her or to turn around. Condem takes too long to even get up so that is basically a non existent part. I do find most of her add on are just terrible. There is a yellow add on and a brown add on I enjoy using. The yellow one basically makes where the survivors have to be closer to see you which it isn't really good itself cause it's not a big difference. The brown add on basically let's you stay invisible for longer so you can have better mind games cause you stay invisible longer. I feel like dbd has turned into where if you can't end loop chase then your a pretty weak killer. This is off topic but on topic sadako really has no power, her only power is teleporting to a tv which gives a small moment boost and that's it really. She manifest and demanifest but that really doesn't do anything, yeah she can walk through body blocks but also means she can't body block herself in that state.

  13. Sadako is not the best killer, but she is well balanced and better than some other killers. You just played her horribly. You didn't do basic things like using her power to avoid body blocks, you were just teleporting aimlessly, wasting time and TVs. You didn't know when people had tapes or were just condemned. You never used her height and power to mind game loops and didn't take advantage of her mobility to pressure important gens. Not to mention just being overly blind and not seeing people right in front of you. Normally I don't mind watching your videos but wow listening to the whining on top of the gameplay this video got to me a bit. I still wish you the best and I'll continue watching. Also 9:22, 13:52 Jill is invisible to Tofu confirmed.

  14. @ohtofu you need to demanifest and manifest more in chase . Her mind game potential is insane when played properly with going invisible and no red stain it has the same nuanced timing as wraith but not slow down when you go to re appear .another good thing to do is just forcing condemned stacks on people while chasing cuz usually you’ll get more then one person by telliporting to a close tv mid chase. The more you force condemned the more often people will have tapes in hand .That’s the one thing I kept noticing on your play’s is you were chasing manifested to much making it easy to product your movement cuz of red stain. The add on is dog poo tho it’s not optimal . The red tape is the best add on and feels the most rewarding to run . It also will help you work on the manifest and demanifest in chase cuz you are encouraged to do so cuz of the add on. I usually get minimum 1 condemned kill a game just by forcing condemned cuz I’ll use all my tvs just to condemned some one I’m chasing while inadvertently condemning others the whole time and it can snowball just like a tier 3 Myers’s .

  15. What if the iridescent, rather than reveal survivor aura's, made it so that when a survivor puts a tape in a tv, the amount of condemned they remove from themselves is spread to their allies? It would make her mori basically unavoidable but it is an iri addon afterall.

  16. Tofu said she's bad cause she's basic, which is true.
    Ya, I'm curious on this one too. We're all looking for this middle ground I think, but what would that even look like?
    Being basic does kinda suck as killer, but going down from a near unavoidable killer power feels bad as surv. So whats the middle ground here?


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