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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
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I've ideas for fanchapters for DBD. R they great ideas?
I think BHVR should ask Gege Akutami to have permission to bring his hit horror action manga called Jujutsu Kaisen , the survivor will be Yuuta Okotsu, a young demon fighter from Sendai, the 3rd largest city in Japan. I think Okotsu's perks & add-ons will be cool AF as survivor
BHVR should ask Koyoharu Gotoge to bring her hit horror action manga called Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba as new chapter. The survivor will be Rengoku Kyoujirou, a 19 yo swordsman who died after being killed by an Oni and gets ressurected by the Entity as survivor
The Promised Neverland should join DBD since it's a hit horror manga. The survivors will be Emma, Norman, and Ray, a trio of 11 yo kids with genius level intellect even have 10x far higher IQ & EQ than kids at their age. The additional characters can be Don, a 10 yo professional pickpocket, Gilda, a 10 yo bookworm girl who's Don's crush, and Anna, a 9 yo girl who has crush with Ray. A trio of 9 & 10 yo kids with normal intelligence and best friends of Emma, Norman, and Ray. Imagine what happens if 10 yo and 11 yo genius kids get chased by Michael Myers, Oni, Wesker, etc. I think it'll be fun to see genius level intellect kids aged 9, 10, 11 getting chased by serial killers. Somebody should make video about The Promised Neverland's menu and chase music. I think it'll be cool to see 9 & 10 yo normal intelligence kids and 11 yo genius level intellect gifted kids get selfie with Ghostface. Emma will be 11 yo athletic type survivor, Norman will be 11 yo genius strategist who could outsmart or track the killer, Ray will be 11 yo genius mechanic who can deal with hooks, gens, etc. Imagine those 11 yo genius kids' perks & add-ons maybe they'll be cool since they r genius level intellect kids. I think those kids' perks & add-ons will be cool AF since they are genius kids who could outsmarted/tricked demons at age 11 with their super smart brain. Imagine Wesker the narcissistic god wannabe got hummiliated by 11 yo genius kids
After AOT, DBD should ask Nickelodeon to have colllaboration with Spongebob Squarepants , The Hash Slinging Slasher'll be cool skin for Trapper or Nurse. Imagine being chased by a Bikini Bottom serial killer with spatula
No Country for Old Men is a hit thriller novel, Anton Chigurh will be cool skin for Deathslinger
Spongebob Squarepants should make crossover. The Hash Slinging Slasher will be cool skin for Trapper or Nurse. Imagine being chased by a spatula serial killer from Bikini Bottom
I wish they added face huggers but this chapter doesn’t seem to bad.
I haven't played as the Xenomorph because I play consoles so I can't play on the PTB but from what I've seen it looks good.
I wish face huggers were in the game but still cool
Some people think the tail is to op by the fact that there’s no warning or heads up for when it’s gonna hit like bro that think is very unpredictable id it’s going to be forgiving or unforgiving.
You summarize it the best, familiar but different. I absolutely love the gameplay. Definitely a new main
I’m def maining Brodie
Don't tbag dude it's disrespectful
Terrible hitbox on his tale, but he's okay and fun to play I tried him, and for me personally he's now officially the best user of Monitor & Abuse in the game now (period), Myers with his rabbit add-on is maybe better
No one’s mentioned the fact that Alien is the first killer to walk on four legs, which actually opens up the door of possibilities quite a bit for future chapters, not all killers have to be bipedal anymore, technically we could get a Werewolf that walks on all four legs or somethin like that, I’m waiting for the day they can figure out how to put Anaconda in this game so we can get Ice Cube and J Lo as survivors lol
The Xenomorph is sick. They did a fantastic job. 'Alien' is the name of the movie, not the creature. Not that it matters you call it Susan if you want. This chapter seems to be curiously lacking in the usual bugs department. The amount of polish on display here leads me to think that they've been working on this for a loooooong time. It shows.
I wish they had gotten Sigourney Weaver's appearance rights, but they nailed every other aspect so it's a small complaint. You've outdone yourselves this time, BHVR. Well done.
Very hyped, although the killer isn’t called Alien. That would be like calling Demogorgon “stranger things”
We needed facehugger. Im dissapointed
An Amazing Video talking Bout an Amazing Chapter man,so glad It was finally Alien,One crossed out from the BIG 3 of the most awaited chapters in dbd,The only ones left now are Friday the 13th and FNAF, hopefully someday soon we'll cross both of these out and move onto a new big 3 circle,But all this chapter Is a W from what i seen,only Lil thing Is that The actress didnt make It as a likeness but that's cool,She might pull a Doug Bradley in the future.
I love the power, I think the Xenomorph will get loads of mains. It feels a lot like the Wesker situation last year. Chapter in August brings fun Killer that loads of people play. I might main it too but that relies on me playing the game.
I can't wait till this comes out man. I'm excited to face the xenomorph let's go!
Unpopular opinion: with a Xenomporh in the trail, the basement should look like an alien hive
Familiar but extremely diverse is the perfect way to describe Alien's power. Can't wait for this to drop, I know me and tons of other people are gonna main this bad boy
man I'm excited to play the xenomorph when it comes out on console I saw videos on xenomorph it looks fun to play I'm happy that Ripley in the chapter
Finally we can cross out Alien off the list of killers that we want.
Yeah I agree the tunnel system is what makes the killer shine for me. When I first played him and went into those tunnels I was expecting an insta teleport demo/sadako style but when I saw that tunnel system for the first time and how its unique for each map I was giddy with excitement. Def the highlight of the killer imo those tunnels are what demo portals shouldve been crawling through the upside down, the tail attack is fun too thankfully this seems like it will indeed be a HUGE step up from the knight and skull merchant chapter, I personally stopped playing the game during those chapters they were just so uninteresting and unfun to me.
This chapter was GOOD. My main's going from trapper to xenomorph REAL fast.
I didn't expected alien like that but we should be grateful
can't wait for people to complain about facing alien every game, it's gonna be the wesker "controversy" all over again lmao
I dont know why i don’t have that on xbox i’ve been waiting but my game doesn’t need to update
I love that the killer mechanics and perks for both of them are fun, been a while since we had a W chapter
This was the most time I’ve ever spent on a ptb bc I love it so much. This chapter fits perfectly and the map is soooooo good. I used to say I’d give my left ovary for an alien chapter and now I don’t have to 😂😂😂
I know many people will not agree with me, but I’m kinda dissatisfied with the power they gave Alien. Not that it isn’t powerful, but the play style it encourages isn’t as stealthy as a true “Alien” power should be and is countered by a flame turret gimmick. It just doesn’t feel like the stalking ambush style Alien from the first movie, but more like a jacked Demo.
I was kinda hoping for it being an AVP chapter with 2 killers and maybe up to 4 survivors.
But nah, ive been waiting for an alien chapter since 2017. I loved playing alien isolation and alien 1979 is one of my favorite horror movies of all time.
He’s the Xenocat that our Demodog needed
Yeah alien is alien good to alien to play with alien also alien is op and alien is fun and alien is alien