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This video overviews a new potential leaking source that joined my discord server and talked about upcoming new killer and licensed content for Dead by Daylight.
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The only thing I 100% believe him on is IT. It's 100% true that Stephen King does not want video games made after he got burned by the horrific Lawnmower Man game.
Man I can't wait for the FNAF chapter, I really hope they don't mess it up.
Idgaf about anything other than Jurassic prk, I WANT TO PLAY AS A DINOOOOOOO
I dont buy that Candyman is blacklisted because of the slavery themes, because it barely plays into Candyman's backstory. In the original film, Candyman, when he was human, was the son of a former slave but he was not a slave himself. Thats it, not much more beyond that.
i wish these assholes would just stop leaking their BS
Gumpy was the biggest fraud
If we get persona I’m going to freak out
I just want to point out the identity they chose to share the leaks. 2017x is a character who has convinced himself that he IS Sonic The Hedgehog despite being a fake. That's the very very basics of the character. I don't know if the leaker just took them on cuz they like the character or if there's something more to that. Who knows haha
I see many people upset about Candyman but it's plainly obvious that they wouldn't do the lisence anyways since Tony Todd is dead and the character just wouldn't really feel like Candyman without his likeness/voice acting.
i love the community for eating netflix up to bring ST back 😂
If we get a Robert Englund visceral/legendary then that can confirm or deny if they're credible imo since that should be provable 3-4 weeks after the Freddy ptb
This guy is a cap artist
I mean. I don't believe the fact that Candy Man was blacklisted for themes in the movies because we have so many problematic killers. ahem Freddy Krueger reboot. Need I say more?
And Bubba too is a problematic and negative reflection of people with Autism which is also very touchy.
Not to mention that the new killer was confirmed, taken as a slave as well as the rest of her crew. And I can't remember right now, but I'm pretty sure there's more problematic killers and survivors, and a lot of them will be originals.
I literally do not see anything in that photo other than the raptor and ken.
anything else just looks like a blurry mess
I hope this person is not actually an insider. It would be devastating to learn that we never have an actual chance to get Candyman. It would especially awful if we found out that they had a chance to do Candyman before Tony Todd passed and they didn't because of sensitive themes.
Yeah, sure buddy, “perks are made last minute idk”
This guy is clearly talking bs
If leaks are true (if don't ban the guy for troll)
BHVR: No Slavery Themes on killers, sorry guys
The killers:
Huntress, Hag, Bubba, Trapper: Cannibalism themes
Hillbilly, Nurse, Michael, Oni, Nemesis, Trickster, Chucky: Massacre themes
Clown, Freddy: Child molester themes
Wraith, Deathslinger, Twins, Knight, Sadako, Spirit: Discrimination themes
Wesker, Singularity, Dracula, Vecna: Genocide themes
Xenomorph, Demogorgon, Unknown: Mass destruction themes
Pig, Doctor, Legion: Torture themes
Skull Merchant, Ghostface, Houndmaster: Harrassment themes
Dredge, Plague, Blight, Pyramid Head: Religious themes
Pinhead, Artist. War themes
I really hope he is wrong, I refuse to believe ST is basically a dead license. We need skins at very least.
This is beyond fake gore and ruthless are always spouting bs , and besides the stabbings wouldnt affect slenderman due to the countless crimes committed inspired by nighrmare and scream which are in the game , and besides blaming the fictional boogeyman is stupid ,it is beyond fake the stabbings dont effect the license .
I think getting Sam Jacksons character from Jurassic Park would be a good idea. Would be another good celeb collab and Id use him alone for voicelines.
Really sad to hear about Slenderman
Yeah this dude is full of it. No specifics, just general BS.
This dude is a liar and a really bad one at it. Just remove him from your server bro.
Let’s be for real too, if Tokyo ghoul is a “anime test chapter” to see the possibility of anime coming to dbd. I think the community would love it however I think after 2 or 3 chapters people would be saying “u still have real life things to use like slender, candy man, etc…”
So in truth I think just having a anime chapter will help people get the killers they want because people are going to want the real stuff before the pencil drawing… idk if that makes sense but that’s my head space with this.
Postal and Cry of Fear would be amazing to see! But I guess they would be waaay to edgy for current DBD.
I'm hoping for some more og horror licences like Psycho, Clocktower, Silent Night Deadly Night but I can't imagine any of them being added with DBDs current direction.
Would be nice to believe some parts of this leak but doubt it, jeepers creepers being black listed kinda almost makes sense but idk I feel enough people want it including me so hopefully one day, and candy man has appeared on behaviors surveys so that's bs lmao
I’ve never heard about the postal devs contacting behavior, can anybody provide a source?
this sounds so fucking fake
I think it inevitable the art the clown will come to dbd, the director wants to get his name out into other forms of media and they can use the money paid for the license for and increased budget for the next film which the director obviously would want
Killing: Allowed
Shooting: Allowed
Stabbing: Allowed
Stalking: Allowed
Kidnapping: Allowed
Neglecting and letting people to die: Allowed
Dismemberment: Allowed
Torture: Allowed
Cannibalism: Allowed
Being a p diddler who got burned alive: Allowed
Causing pain and suffering, sacrificing and killing to please an evil being: Allowed
Shooting more than 1 person at a time: not allowed
Referencing the fact that slavery might have existed at some point: not allowed
Stabbing someone to please a mysterious character: not allowed
Being associated with a p diddler who didn't die: not allowed
Metal gear lmao I could just imagine Vamp I might actually play DbD again
0:44 so this is supposedly the springtrap model and a render of it?
I hope this jurassic park bs be fake man wtf bhvr thinking
Yeah, I highly doubt a Sonic.EXE fan would leak so much about this and backtrack so often and make up weird stuff.
I’m calling BS cause of the candyman being blacklisted claim. So candyman does have themes of slavery but if you look into his backstory, slavery is not really a big factor into his backstory. 1. The man behind Candyman Daniel Robitaille wasn’t a slave, his father was a slave but Daniel wasn’t. He was actually a wealthy artist in the late 1800s. 2. Imo, candyman has more of a racial violence theme more than slavery bc Candyman wasn’t killed bc he was a slave but rather he was killed bc he fell in love with a white woman. So yea I’m not really buying that BHVR would blacklist Candyman due to Slavery themes when slavery is not a big factor in Candymans story
What about jason, dbd need jason asap.