Am I Crazy or Are Lockers Super Broken – Dead by Daylight

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37 thoughts on “Am I Crazy or Are Lockers Super Broken – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I noticed it. When I stand in front of locker with injured survivor, hear like they stay invisible left next to a locker with no silencing. It's not just volume, it's out of position.

  2. my audio's been weird for a month or 2 now.
    first of, sound is different between killer and survivor for me.
    i can hear survivor running, pain moans, gen repairs/progress from different rooms as killer, yet as survivor a small wooden wall puts a hold to that(majorly noticed this vs demo and nemmy, suddenly couldnt hear their loud af footsteps even tho they were walking right around the corner).
    lockers exactly as you said as well, muffled but just as loud.
    ive randomly heard pain moans from generator noises as well, despite nobody being injured/knowing they are cross-map or something.

  3. the amount of times I've been bamboozled by quick and quiet because I think they're hiding behind the locker or something thanks to this weird change is kinda astronomical. It's crazy how it doesn't muffle the breathing sounds either, so if you have a good headset you can 100% hear a healthy survivor just breathing inside the locker when you pass it.

  4. I have noticed the increase in noise from survivors in general tho, I feel like I hear survs miles away without stridor, it's a bit weird. I don't think it should be like that because sometimes I just heard a running sound very far away

  5. The broken thing about lockers IMO is how you are stuck in the animation allowing flashlight saves. Yet another thing for a bully squad to abuse. Ha a game a few nights ago with a very experienced SWF(FAR more than me, on console playing Huntress just for the Daily) and there was literally nothing I could. 4 Flashlights, a nutty tile that connected to a filler tile that connected to a jungle jy which was right net to and connected to shack. 1 Tile had the usual 2 lockers, the other had the same 2 but a 3rd on the inside with line of sigh to a window And then ofc Shack.. If lockers weren't so damn stupid I woulda had a chance. There is damn doors on the things that could you know, block line of sight.


  6. They've been bugged like this for awhile, I mainly noticed it on the Survivor side. It's been this way since either Dredge or the Dredge mid chapter as far as I can remember, 0 idea why.

  7. while we're on the topic of weird unlisted changes from the wesker update: has anyone here noticed that flashlight save timing seems to be way more tight? there were several times where i thought for sure i was gonna get flashlight saved after picking up a survivor and yet i get blinded and nothing happened. i was so confused about this i went into a custom match with some of my friends who are familiar with the flashlight timing and we were struggling to get it down. it seems like you have to do it slightly later now.

  8. Me personally I've found Sheva in a locker as wesker after the live release and she was muffled a bit, idk if it was 10% but it was definitely quieter than she was before going in.

  9. For me this has been happening since before the Wesker update. I remember playing nurse on midwitch and being called a hacker because I was chasing someone inside and heard a survivor in a locker in the courtyard through the wall

  10. i first noticed this really clearly when i was looking for the last survivor in the shack and i somehow heard them in the locker DOWNSTAIRS in the basement. not even the lockers by the stairs either, i could straight up hear them in one of the lockers past the hooks while standing at the window upstairs.
    im not entirely sure if it's consistent though, i wonder if it's a bug with specific survivors or if it only has a chance of happening.

  11. Honestly I dunno why people don't use lockers more often in chase, only see it with bubbas really, people should use it against like blights for example more often

  12. i faced a nurse that said you could always hear injured survivors in lockers and that they had a really good headset so idk

    "and that you apparently even make sounds when not injured"

  13. Oh I wondered why it sounded like they were screaming inside lockers when injured. I was using Stridor lol but still i could hear the exact lockers they were in even if it was grouped lockers it was clear as day which one they were in.


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