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LIVE DAILY: (Starting: 10pm UK/5pm EST)
Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
LIVE DAILY: (Starting: 10pm UK/5pm EST)
Remember to follow on Twitch, I'm live every day, 10pm UK/5pm EST:
For some reason youtube stopped reccomeding your videos to me…
Ambush should be insta-down tbh
Like it has a sound cue AND is charged
Or other option…you can now reload traps at lockers.
Nice ambushes 🐽
Why do I never have this luck with my hexes? Feels bad.
We need a vod channel
Pig mains are the worst. You should uninstall the game and make it easier for everyone else.
oh another great video from our best pig main
if a survivor looses a health state no matter what devour is revealed
If you bring lethal persuer, you will have a chance to get heart attack due to the RNG. The worst I saw is 4 survivors spawn beside a gen with my only hex totem 2 meters away from them and being super obvious. Luckily they focus on doing gens and prefer not to cleanse it until it does something.
I don't think an M2 attack will reveal devour. With Plague, using her corrupt purge attack doesn't reveal it for example.
The tombstone myers at the end killed me 😂
Devouring the tears of salty entitled survivors from 10pm UK time which is 5pm Eastern 🙌🎉
very nice!
i need 2 see ayrun and jrm against cm pig that would b a good match
Oh wow the Deadhards in this game were on. point.
Any attack (exept Plague's corrupt purge) will reveal Devour Hope once at 3 stacks.
In some how, when you get the 5 stacks and start kill everyone with devour, it's looks like if pig was saying "Game Over" to them. Like in the movie
It’s you, otz and benjo. I don’t even play this game anymore but I’m hype when any of you three upload.
Imagine actually getting a good totem spawn like that. Mine are always in plain sight or right next to a gen.
Fwiw, devour isn't revealed until you M1. I've hidden it until 5 stacks with Nemesis before
Why does not having tinkerer activate traps?
Devour always gets taken down the moment it gets 3 stacks
That david in the thumbnail looks an awful lot like otzdarva…
Wtf otzdarva