Angry SEXIST Survivor Gets Destroyed! – Dead By Daylight

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I am not at all surprised that this is the same person who considers DCing a winโ€ฆ LOL

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39 thoughts on “Angry SEXIST Survivor Gets Destroyed! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Spooks, when you cover a toxic TTV, and they comment on the video, what do you do? Do you leave the comment or delete it? I'm just curious and have been wondering about this for a long time.

  2. Don't you know you were camping the basement hooks!? Them not giving you a chance to leave and giving you easy downs isn't the problem. Clearly you are a sweaty, toxic, camping a hole who bullied innocent survivors.

    On a serious note, this is funny

  3. well OBVIOUSLY you played basement bubba so OBVIOUSLY the persons gonna be a horrible SEXIST in self defense like what did u honestly expect playing BASEMENT BUBBA??!??! get real ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

  4. i am an entitled survivor and i wasnt even in that match and i should have won. you cheated and hacked the game and you are now reported for playing the game correctly. lmfao XD
    the salt even when they come to your streams XD idk if that msg was them or not but i love it when they pay you to get your attention lmao

  5. The more of these videos I see, the more I'm coming to believe that Jukes is almost as toxic as the people he calls out. He's less vitriolic about it, but he's not a great person either. Plays toxic playstyles, always eggs the people on in chat. He never tries to be the bigger person, and it seems childish. It just feels weird seeing behavior like that from someone who's viewed as an advocate for "don't be a dick" in the community.

  6. Just finished a session of DBD. I got an intense game where I had to fix a 3 gen, a fun silly game where I made friends w/ the killer and everybody goofed around, and a pretty good game where we got some good chases w/ a deathslinger. Not a single game had anybody who was upset, angry, or lashed out. DBD isn't toxic, ppl who choose to be toxic are the issue. Not the game. I will say, I am somewhat newer to DBD (720 hours) and ppl who choose to be the worst kinds of ppl by lashing their anger towards others baffle me.


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