Anti-Boon Totem Doctor Build | Dead by Daylight

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This build is actually completely useless if Survivors just ignore totems and do gens, but back when Mikaela was released Survivors could not resist the temptation to bless any bone they found. Eventually this build failed us, but the first two matches were too funny not to be featured.

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


50 thoughts on “Anti-Boon Totem Doctor Build | Dead by Daylight”

  1. If you REALLY want to screw with Survivors and this on Doc, run the cassette tape add-on with the green electrodes.

    It's like a 36 meter long zap that's like 4-8 meters wide.

    When i'm running this build I'm usually running Devour Hope instead of Retribution but that's just me because I can zap with this combo from beyond my terror radius.

  2. I personally don't agree with Otz with hatch only working for one person, or just it only appearing when there is only one person, because now I and the people I play with are getting killers that will just keep slugging for the 4k because now there isn't even any other way out. Keys really should've just got nerfed instead of hatch imo

  3. Odz could you do a build using dark devotion and surge to transfer yoir terror radius to the obsession then you down someone and the gen they are working on gets exploded

  4. HELP. I just started playing plague and I’ve been moving through her blood webs. I go to play a match yesterday and the first add-on slot only brings up brown add-ons. The second slot can be any at all I have. What the heck has happened?


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