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Today I show you some TWINS gameplay on Dead by Daylight. Never really gave the Twins any time and effort but after watching Dowsey recently I have started to think that this killer might just be over powered in the right hands. I am far from Dowsey level however let’s get some practice in with the Twins and show you some of the gameplay for this Dead by Daylight killer. Watch the Dead by Daylight game play video and find out how I get on.
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Dead by daylight gameplay, dead by daylight Twins gameplay, dbd Twins, dead by daylight best Twins build, DBD killer gameplay, dead by daylight Twins killer game play, Sweaty SWF, Sweaty SWF vs Twins Dead by Daylight, Sweaty SWF vs Twins dbd.
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#Twinsgameplaydbd #dbdkillergameplay #DeadbydaylightTwins
twins are ok
Wow. You did pretty good for someone who doesn't play the Twins a lot. Good work.
Twins are a top 5 choice in tournaments cause of their slug ability. Fun to play with and against cause it brings a different style of play
one tip when you hit survivor as charlotte bring out victor to down the survivor believe me it hleps a lot
Good game!