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Come on Barbie let’s go party.
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I am the first like
Nic’s voice and the perk reading 🤣 gold
I love this 1 hour videos for members only! Hope u have tcm videos too!
😂 I wasn't expecting this 🤣
Bro you are getting cancelled lmao 😂😂
I didnt expect this video😅
Oppenheimer lore build?
I am tripping. It says uploaded a couple seconds ago but comments are a week old almost 😂
Funny build, but starstruck and plaything kinda cancelled each other out.
18:18 lol "Barbie-cue"
Is it April already
Playing a game as/against the skull merchant without at least one survivor giving up is damn near impossible
Just when I’m frustrated as hell about my computer not being shipped, Stalky finds a way to lift my spirits. Hopefully this video is enough catharsis for me to stop contemplating murder (they’ve had my computer for over a month now).
100% dbd fatigued atm
Ada sneaking around at 11:10 and 11:22 and not being seen is hilarious. It's definitely in character for her though.
So next build must be Oppenheimer, right?
I love this channel! Keep up the amazing work!
yesss more stupid random builds like this !!!!!!!!
My favorite ginger boiiii giving us quality content ❤
Let’s be honest Stalky, we’re just killing time till August 18th so we can no life TCM.
I was in need of new gameplay of skull merchant❤
"then we have oppression" lol
Nicholas cage lore build?
Skull merchant is fun idc what anyone says I'm not defending only 3 gens but I love her area control and denial also I love her sound design and her cosmetics
Since you said it on stream I’ve been looking forward to this one 😂 and yayyyy new skit!! Tho I thought it would be blood warden 😂 it’d be funny to have like someone get hooked after door opened but they didn’t check for blood warden, then to have them all run for the gate and teabag only to see blood warden and die to the entity timer
5:56 you had haste because ada had a claw trap you get a small percentage of haste for each claw trapped survivor its like made for this but for killer and its very lethal you get alot more hits you typically cant and with enough haste from either perks of her geographical loadout she makes safe loops unsafe. She is very fun since she makes chases much more lethal
"This Barbie is bloodthirsty!"
i feel like you inspired the next barbie movie "BARBYS HUNT: SPARKLES TO THE END"
I HAD dbd burnout around knight-SM era for the same reasons most people did, but Singularity is a killer i really enjoy and thats brought me back in. Alien might do the same
Probably the closest to a Barbie character, given she's one of the only traditionally attractive female killers.
I died when you revealed that you'd be doing the Barbie Build on Skull Merchant 😫 petition to rename you "Shady boy"
I don’t dislike Skull Merchant, I just don’t think she’s all that great personally. I don’t see what’s so great about her. Also made for This isn’t an exhaustion perk.
we need more woke killers, maybe in the next chapter behavior will make killer, "butt hunters" with perk cuminthe ass
Oppression /snrk
Oppression. 😭