Best of Buddy Cam – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights

Read more Dead by Daylight โžœ

Skrump on a roll.


49 thoughts on “Best of Buddy Cam – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights”

  1. โ€œyou doing nothing for 3 minuets straight was worth thatโ€โ€ฆ well scott with the upcoming survivor nerfs, we literally dont have anything better!

  2. This event and the bloodhunt is the worst shit to happen to the game since I've come back. Been having a blast the last month and now it's just 3/4 dead hards every game, 1/2 boons depending on whether or not they're SWFing, 3/4 items every single time.

  3. DUDE ON LOW SETTINGS MAPS GET BRIGHTER, CONSOLE IS STUCK ON ULTRA WITH THE DARKEST POSSIBLE MAPS, YOU ARE WRONG, I may or may not be a console gamer who can't find immersed players hiding in shadows

  4. My cat Henry died today cause someone hit him with their car. I loved him more than life. I feel lost without him. Please Scott, cherish Buddy as long as you have him.๐Ÿ˜ญโค๏ธ

  5. DUDE I just remembered where I've seen you before, man. Sorry about everything, no desire to hear anymore about it, but you were always one of my favorite parts of the LNC crew Jund.


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