Best of Derusting – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights

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Thanks to Scrump for this fan-made edit!


34 thoughts on “Best of Derusting – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights”

  1. Haven't seen "THE BREADERHOOD" opening in a while… .

    5:09 I mean, some systems are still running FORTRAN or BASIC so having things run off of base C isn't that big of a surprise. Never underestimate the power of people refusing to upgrade or systems made in such a way that they CAN'T be upgraded.

    As someone who is still in The Grind for BP to level up all my characters seeing the Old Guard with their maxed BP makes my eyes twitch a bit.

    I too would respect the player doing their challenge if I was the one on the hook.

    Your stream chat is a strange and wonderful place Scott.

    Thanks for the video Scott.

  2. lmao the c/c++ comment made me laugh out loud cause they're currently absolutely teaching c at universities (whether or not lots of ppl still use it in the field i dont know)– ive had to use it for assignments in 4 classes so far, and im still a year away from finishing my degree


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