Lets talk about Finisher Moris and PERM unbreakable! | Dead by Daylight

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Lets talk about Finisher Moris and PERM unbreakable! | Dead by Daylight



This update might actually be good?

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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”

🎵Ending Music by: thesedonas.com – “Blues” 🎵

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39 thoughts on “Lets talk about Finisher Moris and PERM unbreakable! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. 8:18 nothing youve just described is different before or after the insta mori. 1 dead 3 alive youre probably winning either way. Slugging 2 survivors is easy either way. Nothings changed except it saves you personal time in having to find and hook them. Still just QoL

  2. Thank you. I really think this will not break the game for killers. I seems like a good change with some possible tweaks that can be fixed in the future.

    and to the people saying twins is dead.

    Ok well boo hoo for the three twins mains we had out there so sorry for your loss.

  3. I have seem let other videos about the update, and people say that the basekit unbreakable is very strong for survivors, but also the basekit mori is very strong for killers.

    So basically the PTB might go out of hand a bit 😅

  4. so then what will boon exponential do? the main draw to the perk was that it would give everyone a chance to get up within a radius. I do think soul guard would still be decent as if you pick yourself up you would still have the endurance effect so you're not instantly downed again.

  5. The only thing I was mostly expecting is the finishing mori when downing the last survivor, I think that's a pretty cool idea. But everything else just seems unnecessary and not needed. I get that killers tend to slug out of toxicity, and I understand that issue but I don't see slugging happening that much. Generally, the only time I see slugging is usually for strategic gameplay, as a killer main, before picking up a survivor, I first look around to see if there are no survivors, if I tend to see 3 survivors around me, then of course I'm gonna take advantage of injuring and possibly downing another, I play for strategy and not being toxic.

  6. Obviously we've yet to see how things play out but…I have a sneaking suspicion that this meta is only going to further push tunneling as the most effective means for the Killer to maintain pressure and win games. Before, it was possible to pressure Survivors out of position with slugging, forcing them to come off of gens and help their teammates. Now, if someone is slugged, there is zero pressure generated by it and Survivors will just continue holding M1. This means that one of the only ways to generate pressure now is to reduce the Survivor count as quickly as possible. This was always true to an extent but, lacking other options, I think it is going to be even more true here.

    On the upside, one of my personal favorite killers, Pyramid Head, manages to take some big wins with this update, thanks to his ability to avoid many of the problem perks and strats that these changes will encourage.

  7. I realy like (no) how players only recently discovered the only good way to play Sadako and utilize her ability, but this change is nerfing condemned playstyle to to the ground, and Sadako once again is the worst killer in ther game

  8. the should make the unlimited survivor pick ups an item or a sacrifice and same with deerstalker. or maybe if you are on the ground for a minute, after fully recovering you can get up, and it takes longer each time after up to 3 times. i can see people just waiting for a survivor to get up to down them again for brutality points.

  9. Everyone’s examples with shape, oni, or plague of tunneling one person and hooking another then going for last two being very powerful for killer is kinda dumb, if someone is hooked, someone is down, and someone is dead, the game is usually basically over anyway, all this really does it’s puts a time limit on finding the last person before the other indefinitely stands back up

  10. Everyone is only mentioning the effects on gameplay as well, but bloodpoints and emblems, the survivors get less bloodpoints because they get 1 less wiggle which is about 250 bp usually, then killers get 1 less hook at least which you need 9 hook actions I think it is for devout, which if two people are down and one is hooked and not on death Hook that’s automatically 3 hook states lost so if either survivor on the ground isn’t on death hook you can’t get iridescent devout

  11. I would say… the cons for killer are waaaay heavier than the cons of survs, and the pros are a little weak or things that already you can make… yeah, no ds IF is the finisher but that's already a thing that happen with a single mori or mori perk… and well… it's almost impossible to down 4 people right away in less of 45s or 22.5s with perks… the survs need to be REALLY bad.. and you need to be a thing like letherface or oni or have noet and make a HELL good play… but for killers the cons are way heavier, the sabo squads will be a nightmere and now you have way more pressure when a surv is downed in a pallet range, so, in some maps, hook will be very hard… so the survs have more ways of escaping, but the killer don't have anything to compensate that more than a single mori for the last standing, maybe a new gen regretion mechanic that reward hooking and not only punish the slug, like a pop goes the weasel in basekit, maybe not so powerfull on its own, but something to compensate the umbreakable basekit… with that, you reward the killer for no slug, and by hooking in time

  12. I personally hate this update so much. 10/10 I hate the morì change, this happened only because benjo shorts abused blood warden and because cringe swf thought killers used the morì as a grudge against them. Killing the last survivor is so stupid, think about it, you're the last one and you made all the work al instead of the "teammates" and you deserve the win, be with hatch or not, but since this stupid feature you're forced to be seen as an idiot by everyone(by the way no more gentle killers i suppose) And unbreakable basekit is also a bad thing. 45 seconds is acceptable, I think some killer mains abused the feature of slugging for so long time, but 22.5 seconds cause of the perk itself is unbearable… We must not make this happen!


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