Best of Touching Grass – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights

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get wrecked looking through the VoD skrump


37 thoughts on “Best of Touching Grass – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights”

  1. I think the only good way to use the rift is passively instead of actively completing the challenges. Activate one of the challenges and forget what you activated, just wait and see if it goes or not

  2. Btw skill checks are tied to fps, the more you have the easier they are to hit. I know at least from my group of friends that some (myself included) cap our fps at 60 because DbD uses 75% GC at lowest graphic settings even on a gtx2070, as opposed to bfV as an example who barely uses 50% with 1000 times more complexe environnments and fidelity, and they sometimes have a hard time hitting merciless storm.

    So imagine you play on a low end pc or a ps4/xbox who doesn't manage to hold 60fps + heats up because shit cooling causing fps to drop even more, then you can seriously have a hard time to hit merciless storm skilchecks.

  3. Pathetic having a discord server for shit talking someone (Tru3) how embarrassing xD BTW NA players are all shit and that’s just facts can’t hold chase for shit ^^ never thought you’re that typ of guy scott but you’re together with jen that tells us alot xD

  4. Does anyone find it weird that Scott spent a hundred of games to do meme quests (MoM quest, flop quest, head-on flash bang mini quest?). Now he complains about people goofing around and not trying hard enough. A lot of people don't play to win, playing sub-optimally is not to be criticized.
    Second note, I agree that some challenges are stupid, but there are some that forced me to try new stuffs and have fun with the new stuffs instead of grinding the same thing over and over again.
    I love Scott, but the memey Scoot remains my favorite

  5. The classic cycle of "You just can't win against a Nurse like this," into instantly killing themselves—now even survivors who are trying that game think that was an auto-loss…

    Which it was, but not at the fault of anyone but people crossing their arms and refusing to play like children.

  6. As someone who still remembers all the pain Scott has gone through to get his Quests done
    It really hurts to see him not emphatize with what could be a fellow quester. What if that Nancy felt how you felt when the Thundercunt Spiderman Claudette stole your save?

  7. Counter point: I already decided not to play this game against 4 man swf with brand new parts that did 3 generators in 1 minute and I'm not playing blight or nurse, they should remove dc penalty…

  8. My baby gizmo will sit on my lap when I’m gaming and I think she’s trying to be sweet but really she wants to chew on my headset cord. She also bolts out the door into the garage and immediately freezes because she’s scared of the “outside world”

  9. Scott thinks Indians are retarded. Scott is a proven racist. To his followers, do you want to be associated with a racist,? After all, for the past few days you've all been saying how bad racism is, right


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