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these are the BEST custom perk ideas for Dead by Daylight survivor AND killer
Thumbnail DBD Perk Icons – credit goes to these talented people (please contact me if you would like it changed):
– Lasombra on Steam (
– hex: potato on Tumblr (
– u/enzobloise on Reddit (
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Rank every perk on this list from WORST to BEST down below 👇👇
Killer perk idea:
blood collector:
whenever you hit a survivor, fills a progress bar by 10%/15%/20%, upon reaching 100%, the killer gains 7% haste for 15 seconds.
Perk idea:
Boon: Chain Reaction
After turning a Dull Totem into a Boon Totem, another random Dull Totem in the match also gets turned into a Boon Totem.
If a killer destroys one of the Boon Totems created, both of the Boons will be destroyed.
Perk ideas: 2 of them
Killer perk: Guileful
“The mistakes you make fan the flames of your intelligence and you become more of a foolhardy.”
With every time you miss a hit on a survivor with at most 4 meters away from you, gain a token.
With each token, you gain immense power.
1 token: Gain a 3% haste status effect for 4/6/8 seconds
2 tokens: Reveal survivor’s auras within your terror radius for 5/6/7 seconds
3 tokens: The closest survivor to you gains a 3% Hindered status effect for 5/6/7 seconds
4 tokens: Destroys the next pallet you get stunned by regardless of your token amount
5 tokens: Have the entity block 2 generators for 15/20/25 seconds
Your tokens reset after you exceed 5 tokens.
After gaining a token, you have a 60 second cooldown before you can gain another again regardless of your token count.
Survivor perk: Eloquence
“Your fluency in language allows you to work together better with other survivors and unlock potential most others don’t have.”
Eloquence allows you to do all of the effects below:
-Allows crows not to caw under any circumstance
– Great Skill check zones become 2/3/4% bigger when working with survivors in healing or repairing
-Allows you to open exit gates 10/12/14% faster when allies are in 16 meters of you
-Have a small chance to stun the killer 1 second more when dropping a pallet on them
Eloquence can not be used when you are the last survivor in the trial.
Love your videos Kyto!
Perk: Hex: BloodMonger "your own works shall be your undoing" Whenever a generator is completed, any survivor working on other gens wile the generator pepped will become exposed for 30/45/60 secs and when a survivor cleanses the totem, they will become revealed for 10/15/20 secs and exposed until they have completed a generator.
PERK idea:Fading Light
After being blinded by a flash of any kind 4/3/2 times the survivor responsible for the most recent flash gains the exposed effect for 30/45/60 seconds
Perk idea: BackPack———— allows you to hold two items but you already have to have an item in your hand and you have to get the second item from the basement and your movement is slowed when you have two items
Whats the music you use when your talking and describing these perks
🍓🍓🍓Killer Perks:
Calculated Error: With each missed basic attack in a chase, gain a token (up to a maximum of 5). For each token gained, you will be able to see all survivors' auras in your terror radius for 2 seconds up to a maximum of 10 seconds (if chase is won). When the chase ends, your token count will be reset to zero. Additionally, your missed attack cooldown is increased by 40/30/20%.
Machine Learning: The time it takes for bloodlust to be applied is decreased by 2/3/4 seconds for each tier.
Overclock: When damaging any breakable object (generators, walls, pallets), you will gain a 10/20/30% longer lunge for the next 15 seconds, in addition to hearing survivor breathing and grunts of pain at a 30% increased distance and volume.
PERK IDEA Hex: bone crusher
Well active killers can interact with then block dull and blessed totems from being destroyed or blessed. Any active blessed totem blocked effects become nullified when blocked by the killer. the blessings is unable to be moved to a new totem until the hex is broken
I have a few ideas!
Perk 1. “Mechanical torment”
Survivors must do 6 generations instead of 5 to power the exist gate.
Perk 2. “I know all” subject to change
When carrying a survivor you see there wiggle progress.
Perk 3. “Scourge hook: feast of remnant” this one would be for springtrap! :}
When a survivor is hooked, you see strings of remnant leading to the nearest survivor within 32 meters :]
Perk idea: HEX Lone wolf
Well active gain a token on a survivor for each uninterrupted minute they don’t interact with another survivor, generator, or killer. At 5/4/3 tokens gain aura reading on said survivor for 3/4/5 seconds for each token gained afterwards
“don’t you know it’s not safe to be out in the dark alone? Don’t worry I’m here now”- the killer
Survivor perk. boon: escape. you gain a wiggle boost by 4 persent and when wiggle off the killer stun for an extra 1 second
Survivor perk
Engine Master:
When working on a your first generator you will find a broken part you can fix the part in a locker to boost the generator by 10%.Activates once per generator.
Killer perk:
Scourge Hook:Blood manipulation
Four hooks are changed to scourge hooks you see their aura in white.
When you hook a survivor on a scourge hook you gain a token upon reaching four tokens gain dangerous effects.
1 token: All generators blocked by the entity for 10 seconds.
2 tokens: The obsession carries your terror radius.
3 tokens: The furthest generators regress by 15%.
4 tokens: 4 dull totems are changed to hex totems.
Perk idea: Double back
Well survivors gain a new secondary opinion when preforming a running vaulting. When pressed survivors vault through the window and quickly turn around half way through the vault to the side they came from giving a 2 seconds speed boost and blocking the vault location for 10 seconds to survivors and killer
Survivor Perk: Heavy hitter 🍓
“You have great strength and use it to your advantage.”
Stunning the killer by any means will increase their stun duration by 0.5/1/1.5 seconds from the base stunning time of what stuns them.
This perk has a cooldown of 45/40/35 seconds.
Survivor perk: Eyes in the sky- move the survivors camera up by 1/2/3 meters (this only works outside of chase) 🍓
Perk Idea:
"Scourge Hook: Lasting Damage
At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks:
The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white.
When a Survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook, they are immediately inflicted with the Deep Wound status effect."
i feel like this is a really balanced perk because, although it's really simple, the slowdown you get when survivors have to mend could win you the game, with the tradeoff that you have to hook them on a scourge hook.
3 🍓
perk idea
survivor perk:Pocket item🍓
with this perk you will be able to hold double item.The second item will be put behind you and you can shift from the holding item to the pocket item.But once you get hit the pocket item will drop and you cant pick it up for 30/25/20 second and lose by 20/25/30% charge of the pocket item
Perk: vengeful Protector
The endless chase has given you an understanding and respect of your foe.
Well in chase with your obsession you gain blood lust 11/22/33% faster. Everyone else takes 20/16/14% longer to gain bloodlust. When you gain tier three blood lust on any survivor that survivor and anyone else within 3 feet of them gains the exposed status effect for 30 seconds.
Perk ideas (I have quite a bit):
Nature’s calling (survivor): At the start of the trial, 3 herbs will spawn throughout the map in random locations. Each herb will be 32 meters away from each other. When a survivor gets close to an herb, they will be able to pick the herb. A survivor can carry up to three herbs at a time. The number of herbs a survivor has each has a special effect when being used. Note: These do not stack or can be used separately. Carrying two herbs will only grant the two herbs benefit.
1 herb: Gain the endurance status effect for 8 seconds (used similar to vaccine)
2 herbs: Gain the ability to craft a med kit after jumping into a locker and pressing the activate ability button (like crafting a flash bang)
3 herbs: After 16 seconds, automatically gain a health state (similar to antihemorage shot)
All herbs are consumed after an interaction and each herb takes 180/150/120 seconds to regrow. If the killer finds an herb, they are able to crush the herb, causing the herb to need to regrow again. (Times can be changed)
Nature’s blessing (survivor): When the killer comes within 16 meters of your location, their aura is revealed to you for 4 seconds. Additionally, you leave no scratch marks or pools of blood for 4 seconds.
This perk has a 60/50/40 second cooldown
Fight back: While injured and being chased by the killer for 15 seconds, this perk activates. When the killer performs an attack or a lunge attack, you will ram into them, causing them to be stunned for 3 seconds. You become exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds (the time for being chased can be adjusted for balancing purposes)
Fearful gaze (killer): When looking in the direction of a survivor 24 meters away (similar cone that small game has and premonition), that survivor will scream and suffer from the oblivious status effect for 40/50/60 seconds.
This perk goes on a 60 second cooldown.
Scourge hook: Playful hunt (Killer): When hooking a survivor on a scourge hook, the distance the survivor are away from the hook grants different benefits:
0-16 meters – Survivors scream and become exposed for 45 seconds
16-32 meters – Survivors suffer from the exposed status effect for 30 seconds
32+ meters – Survivors suffer from the oblivious status effect for 45 seconds
No where to run (killer): After being in a chase with a survivor for 15 seconds, gain a token up to a maximum of 4 tokens.
After injuring a survivor, you lose all your tokens. Every survivor will have their aura revealed to you for 5 seconds for each token lost, up to a maximum of 20 seconds.
(All numbers can be changed to be more balanced, just ideas. I apologies for it being such a long list. It would be really cool if one made it into a future video. Keep up the great work Kyto!)
Perk: over encumbered
Whenever a survivor picks up an item all survivor gain the encumbered status effect for 3/4/5 seconds
“The greed of you and others weighs you down”
Kyto creating killer perks: The killer gets no terror radius for two seconds every like 4 1/2 minutes. Kyto creating survivor perks: they see the aura of everything in the trial and they could fly and instantly complete every gen by pressing the active ability button
Killer Perk: Bleeding Heart🍓
After hitting the obsession the last survivor that healed the obsession becomes the obsession, screams, and becomes exposed for 30 seconds
I heard that killers have trouble with gen speeds so I thought of a perfectly balanced perk
-Hex: Genrush this you filthy casual
Killers had enough, and this totem is powered by all their negative energy.
This hex selects a random Dull Totem on the map and applies the effect without actually lighting it up.
Whenever a survivor touches a generator while this hex is still active, their game automatically uninstalls.
Additionally, survivors need to re-purchase 2/3/4 random DLCs
With this perk, survivors would have to cleanse all 5 totems before even starting a gen just in case you are running this perk. Honestly I think is just a bit better than corrupt intervention.
what if there was a survivor perk where everytime you do a good or great skillcheck you get 5% heal progress up to 50% max
empathic connection stacked sounds like a horrible time
Killer perk idea
Hex: Your Next
When this perk is active at the start of the trial you see the obsessions aura for 6/8/10 seconds and the obsession also will see your aura for the same amount of time. When this perk is cleansed the obsession is oblivious and exposed for 25/35/45 seconds
I had survivor/perk ideas I thought would be cool
Killer perk: culling of the herd
When a survivor is sacrificed or killed all remaining survivors suffer from the exposed status effect for 50/100/120 seconds
The beasts know what it's doing and they won't stop til were dead-Unknown voice
Survivor perk: Natures guardians
Animals seem to trust you in and out of trials and are willing to help you and your allies escape when being in the terror radius for 30/25/15 seconds press the action button doing this will send a crow to protect you or a friend with extra a hit it they remain for 10 seconds before vanishing into the fog it has a cool down of 60/50/40 secs
"I'm just good with animals"
unknown voiceKiller perk:Blood on their hands
You look forward to seeing them crumble in their own guilt
You become obsessed with one survivor when you down and hook your obsession you gain a token up to 3,if your obsession reaches stage two when not being saved or is sacrificed all remaining survivors suffer from the exposed effect for 50/100/120
"You have blood on your hands tyler."unknown male
Survivor perk: Sticks and stones
You use what you have around you to defend yourself,When fully completing a generator when entering a locker you are able to make a spear jabbing the killer will cause them to be stunned for 5.1 seconds doing this will make you the obsession
"My father told me to never let bullies strike you down if they do swerve back up and hit harder"unknown voice
Killers hex perk: all seeing
Exploring the realms have invested you with the entity sight,when a survivor fails a skill check all survivors are revealed for 40 seconds generators will also have thier auras show the progression of them.
"One wrong move and were all fucked!"
Survivor boon perk: entitys deal
You've made a deal with the devil itself when placing a boon the 24 radius will do the following
Increase repair speed by 1%
Hide all Aruas and notifcations
Reduces effects to 100%
Automatically destroys an scourge hooks with reach
I'm doing so the survivor who placed the boon suffers from the obviously and bound effect
"I've made deals with bad people but this I've made a deal with the devil pal"-unknown voice
Survivor perk Commitment:
Each time you hit a great skill check it triggers another skill check.
Each consecutive skill check reduces the good skill check area, increases the progression reward for hitting a great skill check by 1% and the regression penalty for missing a skill check by 5%/4%/3%