Best REWORKED Pig Build | Pig Guide – Dead By Daylight

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LIVE DAILY: (Starting: 10pm UK/5pm EST)

Intro: 0:00
Perk 1: 4:00
Perk 2: 6:23
Synergy Note: 9:54
Perk 3: 12:08
Perk 4: 15:26
Overview: 21:16

After the Dead By Daylight perk rework, followed by Dead By Daylight Resident Evil Project W chapter release, I had a lot of new, reworked perks to think about for my world record Pig build.

It’s taken some time, but I’ve finally settled on: Corrupt, Deadlock, Save the Best for Last and No Way Out. These are teachable perks from The Plague, Cenobite, Trickster and Michael Myers. Ultimately, after breaking numerous world records and becoming the World Record Pig Main CMWinter – world records which included: Pig Fastest 4K, World Record Pig Speedrun, most placed RBTs or Reverse Bear Traps and longest Pig win streak or Pig win streak or 143 win streak on Pig or world record Pig streak.

I have come to the conclusion this is the definitive Pig build, Pig guide, Pig loadout, best Pig perks, best Pig build, best Pig guide, World Record Pig Build, CMWinter Pig Build, CMWinter Guide.

I have also made other guides, including: Best Add-on Combo, Pig best add-ons, DbD Pig add-ons, best add-on combo Pig, Pig Ambush Guide, DbD Ambush Guide, God-tier Ambush, Pig Ambush, How To Ambush, When to Place an RBT, Reverse Bear Trap Guide, RBT Guide, How to Grab in DbD, DbD Grab Guide, DbD Grabbing, DbD Grab, now outdated guides include: 143 win streak Pig Build, World Record Pig Build, Best Pig Build.

Links to relevant guides can be found here:





36 thoughts on “Best REWORKED Pig Build | Pig Guide – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Yo yo yo, we are live every day starting 10 PM UK/5 PM EST, we got the ladies and the gentlemen, the CM and the BMs, the Cheryls and the Cunts, the requests and the pigging, the Cheese Wraiths and the Pregnant Wraith™, the bagels with a cup of tea containing only and no more than one single drop of milk and the frozen chili con carne, the pajamas and the Feng hoodie, the Oink Gang and the Mexican Blues, the discord channel and the fanarts, the tunnel enjoyers and the survivors' rulebook fanboys, we got the !rules and the *message eliminated*, your mom and your dad, the pee pee and the poo poo and more! Come chill with us, every motherfucking day starting 10 PM UK which Is 5 PM EST!

    I'm so le random xD, I know

  2. I personally use Corrupt Intervention, Call of Brine, Whispers, and BBQ or Hex: Devour Hope if I'm feeling ballsy. I out-maneuver survivors pretty well, cutting them off with shortcuts and such, and I actually embrace the stealth Piggy has. Having survivor auras read to me actually lets me plan out my next ambush and Call of Brine not only acts like Surveillance, but has DOUBLE regression speed as well. Very useful overall.

  3. It's crazy to me that ever since I branched out from the conventional DBD players like otzdarva and ayrun I noticed that the rest of the community is full of bangers like yourself….seriously regret limiting myself to only 2 channels because of viewership status. Cm your under rated as hell. This was super informative and fun to watch. I can't wait wait to say hello in twitch after work.

  4. Sure dead lock is great in pubs against solos but it has clear counter play in a swf and i dont like perks like that…Have you actually tried using corrupt, save, overcharge, and call of brine? I feel like thats a very solid piggy build. Havent used it myself tho


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