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BFFs when paired with Hex: NOED gives Legion 8% speed during the end-game! Combined with the insta-down, this can cause Legion to spiral out of control!
Dead by Daylight
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#DBD #intothefog
Apoco sí mi estimado
Did you expect something? A joke maybe?
There’s nothing here, really
Frank in a maid outfit when?
The descent into bff's addiction continues
Oh boy…being addicted to BFFs…
It's like doing drugs, both are terrible, yet you can't stop
anyone else smell a gas leak?
Whats so good about Bffs?
bffs new pills?
It’s meta tbh
this is becoming a worse addiction than the never sleep pills
NOED was actually TIII 8% by itself on release, and gave cooldown reductions on swings. It was a beast back then; and again, it's really NOED that carried this. BFFs doesn't work nearly as well without it. Plus, no exposed status effect back then, and no totem aura, just a brief panic when survivors realize one of them just got instadowned – and back then, survivors hadn't memorized the totem spawns, which were significantly harder to find just by physically looking.. unless they spawned in the actual open.
The best bffs noed game EVER! Now this had value dammit
The thing is, you don't just move + 8 % faster, the increase is multiplicative so it's 8 % of a 115 % which is 9.2 % on top of 115 %.
Honestly I must say your videos are the best they’ve literally motivated me to be a full on legion main
I only started playing legion is sloppy butcher a good perk for him
I actually do think the better lobbies you get as legion, the less important addons like sketch and braclet are since its so immensley hard to get the 4 down even with them, which leads room for more bffs schenanagings :)))
Why no ed
its a good stat tracker, imagine a leaderboard of highest collected bff stonks
I think legion Has the potential to be the fastest killer in the game. If you combine bffs with devour hope, no one escapes death and play with your food you could get an amazing result
So… I was hoping to find out what bff's is?
NOED actualy DID use to be 5%
Before August 2016 lmfao
Anything that increases killer or survivor speed is OP
I feel like machine learning+ an aura or notification build with mural sketch and mischief list could be cool for downs
I've been using BFFs/Iri Button with 4 endgame perks for a while now and it started out as a meme build but it's unironically so much fun to use
This is what no list does to a mf
I never had given it thought, but Fearmonger and Blood Echo really are like supporting chase perks, or perks to help during the start of chase.
stop it. get some help