BHVR raised the MMR soft cap | Dead by Daylight

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Alot of people have been asking my thoughts on the MMR & honestly, it feels great during populated times.. but I also want to discuss how it can feel like nothing as changed.

Also, I do use the term “bad” but it isn’t to shame these survivors or killers- it’s to compare/criticize the issues with the current system and my observations on such.


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26 thoughts on “BHVR raised the MMR soft cap | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I used to play DBD on the switch. It was the only console I had at the time so it was just what I dealt with. Was slow and painful to play, but I kept using it anyway.

    One day I got myself a ps4 though, I download it, and restart all the progression I’d done on the switch. At that time, I had about 600 hours in the game. And within a couple hours of matches, as this brand new account, suddenly I’m getting pared with p30 p40 survivors. And I thought it was just the funniest thing. Like, yes, this feng min without any prestige at all. With these other really good players.

    The funny thing is though, nearly every time I pop into solo queue now, I get pared up with P1 p0 survivors. And it’s either all on me to keep them alive, or they give up on hook.

  2. in total i have played dbd at every single hour of the day and i’ve found that i have the super good sweaty teammates between 4am-10am after that my games are typically average & at night they’re so extremely bad

  3. I've been playing since the game first came out but never got the hang of MMR. Always had a problem with bad matches and people who do nothing but sneak around. Makes me just give up. Thanks for letting me know it's just because of when I play.

  4. When anyone asked me ways to get better at killer or ease killer anxiety, my top advice was always to first play the killer with no perks. Don't start using them till you get used to getting downs / controlling the map with just their power. It can be easy to put on perks that you are used to using and that you can win with, but that don't help improve your skill as that killer.

  5. Have been playing a few games these days, in the afternoon for me its "You can get a bad bully squad, you can get a seal team that moves perfect and you will get a few dozen guys that barely can do anything " it will be nice to see mmr for everyone, right now i can say mine should be at a lower medium, i feel it needs a few weeks more to set everyone to their right mmr

  6. A thing I wanna mention is that most people have work or school to go to in the morning/day and thus play in the evening/nights. With this, I think a possibility is that the people who play in the morning are more "tryhard", aka that they like the game, have gotten good at it and then play it when they have some free time.

    Idunno, might just be rambling.

  7. dude some games just get me. when i play killer most my loses or no kill games are because i suck at killer😂ive been playing dbd for 5 years but this year is the first year i actually started seriously playing killer. My mmr skyrocketed to where i was getting sweats just because i got 4ks like my first 3 games.

    in survivor my games are weird. half of it boils down to me finally getting better and just making mistakes and also killers just being really good. i’m not a god tier survivor. i’m good im helpful. i can loop the killer for at least 45 seconds- a minute or longer just really depends. i get in a lot of sticky situations where its 50/50 but most the time i lose the 50/50 i’d say about 95% of the time😂its really annoying but also its fun. i want to actually be extremely good at dbd. and this mmr thing is weird. like you i usually find morning and maybe close to midnight the best time to play. mid day everyone is just fucking around or sweating really hard. but in the morning i feel like it’s a balance of fun and sweating.

    i played dbd all day today and i was frustrated with myself because my reaction time on control is not very good. characters just turn to slow and my movement is always slow even with high sensitivity. anyways i was mad at myself because ive been playing poorly even tho im doing good ill make that one mistake or get stuck on that one thing and it just ends the game

  8. I’ve had the exact opposite, the last few nights as killer (I co-main huntress/nurse, but play all killers), every game has optimized, efficient teams running toolboxes, BNP, etc. and clearly good in chase. I play late night EST.

  9. The idea of mmr in this game always astounded me. The colored ranks shoulda stayed reds and mid purple with reds and mid purple. It shouldnt be so hard. Its a casual game. People try to make it competitive when you simply cant. Its not overwatch, rainbow, valorant. Its just an odd topic

  10. 2 months ago i played a game as huntress at 11 pm where 3 out of 4 survivors where almost new. Next morning at 9 am I played another game and I was paired against zaka from team eternal. A truly consistant mmr experience.

  11. Not sure I can agree. I'm used to holding my own with my killers with no slow down perks. At least half of my matches. Since whatever changed, changed- I HAVE to run aggressive slowdown builds to even get a few downs before all the gens pop.
    I get, like, 2 commodious prove thyself 4 adrenaline stacked teams EVERY match. This is nighttime to early am hours as well.

    Daytime and late am hours is completely different- noob marathon and overly altruistic teams who throw. It's crazy.

    I'd prefer an even mix at all hours, I don't mind losing, I don't mind stomping faces- but I'd like it to be a coin flip at least. At my normal playtime, 10pm to 3am, I almost don't even want to bother anymore. I can lose 20 matches and still get the same crap.

    Maybe it's a timezone thing? I'm on east US coast. Idk but it's booty cheeks and something needs to give. Interesting how my experience is the exact opposite of yours though.

  12. TBH the soft cap before was broken because it was not a question of skill to reach the soft cap limit, but only a question of how much you play. Higher skill helped you get to the cap faster, but playing for long enough you inevitably reached the cap. MMR should differentiate much more between skill levels. It should not be based on time played and not everyone should reach max MMR bracket

  13. In my region Asia, I play after ~12-1 am and so far I'm getting killers around my skill level. Only lose if there's a donkey brained survivor. But before this mmr update, it was always 1 or 2 matches wins and the next 1 or 2 losses. And the killers on those lost matches felt like p100s even though their ranks were like p30 or something on the match end screen, playing against them was like unhook simulator.

  14. I play both sides and I agree with most of this. The thing I agree with the most is killers who are using Regression perks. To me Regression perks are learner perks that buy you time to learn how to play the killer you want to main. I think personally when you learn how to play killer you don't need these perks as much. I am not saying Regression perks have no place other than to learn how to play killer because at high level mostly what you see being used is Regression perks, so they obviously are not just learner perks. But honestly, I personally think people who use Regression perks have not fully mastered the killer they play. Look at me P100 with one of the worst killers in DBD I main Freddy and yet I can go in without Regression perks and still keep up, and on average get 2-4k's even vs good Survivors. I think every killer has their own meta perks, I refuse to believe there is this one universal build for all killers. As for the MMR it really depends on the time you play. I did an experiment a long time ago testing my Daytime Survivors and compared it to my Nighttime Survivors, and there was a huge difference between my Day and Night Survivors. I noticed I was finding way harder Survivors from 2am-1pm and after that the quality of Survivors had a massive drop in performance. After 1pm I noticed I was getting pure trash Survivors. But I will state this was before the MMR changes made recently. I also did another later on and noticed every 5 matches I got a 4k the quality of Survivors started to increase and then I would lose a match vs Survivors who bring specific map offerings and meta perks who know how to loop perfectly and had amazing coordination, gens flew because I could not catch no one and just flat out lost. So really it depends on what time you play, the region you are in, and how often you win/lose.

  15. I’m a p100 oni main now I took a decent break from DBD for like 3ish months came back when this got implemented I run only 1 gen slowdown (eruption) before I stopped I won like 90% of my games now I win roughly 65-75% im getting put against a lot of 10k hr players now I’m a little rusty but it’s a good change imo a lot more pushing me to play better


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